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  • This documentation is an older version of JasperReports Server Release Notes. View the latest documentation.
    Database Changes
    Upgrade from Community Project
    Important Upgrade Information


    You can upgrade to 7.2.1 if your instance is the 7.2 version.

    To upgrade, start with the WAR File Distribution ZIP: TIB_js-jrs_7.2.1_bin.zip

    Downloaded it from TIBCO Jaspersoft Technical Support (http://support.tibco.com).

    The recommended upgrade procedures are fully described in the JasperReports Server Upgrade Guide.


    If you are upgrading from certain versions of JasperReports Server, such as 6.0, 6.0.1, 6.1, or 6.2.0, the upgrade involves substantial changes that may require you to plan and prepare beforehand. See the JasperReports Server Upgrade Guide for advice regarding these important considerations. Also, see Important Upgrade Information.

    Database Changes

    Between certain versions of the server, we have changed the repository database in order to add new functionality.

    There are no database changes between 7.2 and 7.2.1.
    There are database changes between 6.4.x, 7.1.x, and 7.2.

    Upgrade from Community Project

    If your current instance is the Community version, you can follow Chapter 6 of the JasperReports Server Upgrade Guide to upgrade to the Commercial version.

    Important Upgrade Information

    This section touches on special considerations for upgrading to this release. These considerations are spelled out more thoroughly in the JasperReports Server Upgrade Guide.

    Changes in the 7.2 Release. Several new features and changes in this release may affect your upgrade. For example, legacy dashboards are no longer available to view or edit in this release. For information about preparing for such changes, see Changes in 7.2 that May Affect Your Upgrade in the upgrade guide.
    Changes in the Version 6 Releases. JasperReports Server Version 6 releases included many changes that may impact the upgrade steps in unexpected ways. We made such changes in 6.0.x, 6.1.x, 6.2.x, and 6.4.x. For example, changes in 6.2.1 replaced the drivers used by Impala and Simba data sources. For more information about other considerations when upgrading to version 7 from older versions, please refer to the latest 6.4.x upgrade guide.

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