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  • This documentation is an older version of JasperReports Server Release Notes. View the latest documentation.

    We fixed the following issues in this release:

    JRL-1145: Unable to Display Table In the 1st Page of Summary Band When Table Contains Overflown Column Stretch for More Than One Page
    JRL-1174: Adding custom flags to phantomjs engine
    JRL-1175: Missing columns in CSV export for columns with Summary Calc set to None in Totals Only view after row #26
    JRL-1193: TreeMap drill-down not displaying correctly
    JRL-1283: Ability to add slide number and footer in PPTX export
    JRL-1355: XLSX export: Milliseconds part is not displayed correctly in MS Excel
    JRL-1362: Map marker doubly displayed
    JRL-1367: Maps zoom to markers by default
    JRL-1368: net.sf.jasperreports.export.{format}.exclude.key doesn't work for Custom Visualization Component
    JRL-1373: repeating table style consumes huge amount of memory
    JS-13501: Allow execute only permission for a report unit
    JS-15628: Read only input control on ad hoc report gets access denied
    JS-20733: Inconsistent behavior in Domain Designer when user is trying to save field with duplicate id by switching tabs
    JS-21319: Date fields in Oracle are mapped as Timestamp by ad hoc & domain
    JS-23561: Domain join on columns with spaces does not work
    JS-23989: Running drill down report after session timeout gives error
    JS-24154: User can see fields in Domain Topic that he should not see
    JS-24351: Web Services Guide: Documentation on v2/import Service is incorrect
    JS-24880: Execute only report - Access denied error on PDF export
    JS-24903: Scheduler: Scheduled reports not applying date formats as per logged in user locale
    JS-25136: make hyperlinkTarget available for the dashboards in browsers other than Chrome
    JS-25289: Calculated fields deleted when derived table changed
    JS-25951: loading dialog disappears prematurely
    JS-26099: Google map does not work over HTTPS
    JS-26393: Special char : Error generated when user creates domain from table with [, ] , &, (, ), + , - , : , < , > , / , dot and comma in table names
    JS-26676: Add option to get non-paginated HTML report (Visualize.js)
    JS-27032: Domain has old schema prefix joins after changing datasource
    JS-27748: IllegalState exception when running Ad-Hoc reports (Ad Hoc Filter List of Values Row Limit)
    JS-27907: Request to switch all references from 'iReport' to 'JasperStudio'
    JS-28138: Engine initialization and report IC/adhoc parameter resolution takes too much time
    JS-28216: Access denied exception when user tries to open report if he has execute-only permission on datasource
    JS-28303: access denied when using a domain with locale bundle as execute only
    JS-29698: can not save description on adhoc view if user has Modify+Delete permission
    JS-30276: Dashlet still shows data with invalid filter in the dashboard
    JS-30326: 'now' button ignores user-selected time zone when creating new schedule
    JS-30352: Legend markings were not shown for chart type report in dashlets
    JS-30377: Automation: Usability: Inconsistency in behavior of Multi Select Input Controls in Ad Hoc and Dashboard
    JS-30577: More documentation on profile attributes usage
    JS-30646: Scheduler: JavaScript error if email subject is longer than 100 characters
    JS-30712: Dashboard does not localize filters correctly
    JS-31071: Enforce Mandatory input controls on Dashboard
    JS-31552: Need a drag-and-drop way of moving items from set to set
    JS-31686: Can't upload resources to repository when Java Melody is set up
    JS-31789: Dashboard: Tooltip displayed for incorrect data point
    JS-31841: IE: Filter scroll jumps on every select
    JS-31844: Unable to pass parameters via treemap dashlet
    JS-31916: Domain Designer - error when editing domain with filter "is not equal to" for boolean field
    JS-32047: adhoc view created from a topic causes errors when added to dashboard
    JS-32087: JAWS not functional with report viewer controls
    JS-32225: Broken doc link in Admin Guide
    JS-32278: Dashboard/report not showing up with Visualize.js and preauth token
    JS-32350: Filter with large list of values resets to previous value after changing value
    JS-32422: custom CSS styles get overriden after running a report
    JS-32491: Date filters in ad hoc view load with wrong format
    JS-32617: Cannot modify Ad Hoc view properties
    JS-32721: Import processes java.sql.Date type in incorrect way
    JS-32772: Dashboards designer is being shown even if dashboardDesignerFlow is restricted
    JS-32885: Not able to save Scheduled Reports Output
    JS-32914: Oracle Raw datatype in domains - jdbc2JavaTypeMapping, no longer maps
    JS-32975: Report scheduler output time zone not matching selected locale
    JS-33007: Reset button in dashboard does not work
    JS-33117: Input controls saved values: can't remove Options
    JS-33126: crosstab floating row header not changing across pages
    JS-33135: Unable to browse folders if more than 100 while saving a datasource, adhoc-view or report
    JS-33136: Out of Memory "unable to create new thread" after refreshing dashboard for some time
    JS-33176: Dashlet displays only the first chart of each page
    JS-33269: Improve handling of large reports in Visualize.js
    JS-33333: VisualizeJS is requesting .CSS files from a location that doesn’t exist
    JS-33360: Date/timestamp sort on ad-hoc table not working in ad-hoc view editor
    JS-33387: Heatmap hangs when there is no data
    JS-33450: Dashboard output contains "Loading"
    JS-33476: Double-click in report in repo causes "The system was unable to complete you request..." error
    JS-33477: Change in join path after converting basic joins to advanced joins
    JS-33483: Input controls are more compacted or squished in JRS 6.4.0 compared to 6.2.1
    JS-33484: Properties sqlQuery and domainQuery are not filled in auditreport
    JS-33494: subdata set returns incorrect time stamp
    JS-33585: Number formatting is applied to dimensions (it should not be)
    JS-33614: Incorrect grouping in query when creating Calc field based on another Calc field
    JS-33629: validation halts when adding additional join, forcing difficult workaround.
    JS-33630: Jasper In Build searching/Sorting not working(Unable To perform Click) On popup Filters on iPad in browser
    JS-33638: Inconsistent Dashboard Input Control Display Between JRS 6.3.0 and 6.4.0
    JS-33650: cascading InputControl with single select query as the top level InputControl does Not work in dashboard
    JS-33651: LDAP: Invalid property 'principal.fullName' during log in on JBoss Wildfly 9.0.2
    JS-33653: Unable to select tooltip text in Google Maps component
    JS-33665: Export report on Microsoft Edge over HTTPS produces blank page
    JS-33667: Implement possibility to use special characters in dbPassword property value during JRS install for Oracle DB
    JS-33684: Visualize.js has an issue with multiple report execution
    JS-33729: pass non mandatory parameter values to a report though a hyperlink connected to a Dashboard
    JS-33752: "Not supported permission mask 22" when clicking on User
    JS-33758: Editing domains with a lot of dependent views is very slow
    JS-33759: Dashboards open much slower in 6.4.2 than in 6.3.0
    JS-33779: Relative dates Input Control resolved incorrectly in scheduler
    JS-33791: isLazy breaks image for outlook for rest_v2/reports html and in Schedule job email body's html
    JS-33798: changing summary to "count distinct" for calculated fields in ad hoc view causes exceptions
    JS-33815: jr properties timezone settings don't impact ad Hoc view
    JS-33816: Dashboards memory leak
    JS-33862: Duplicate field alias causes incorrect data to be returned
    JS-33894: Receiving an error when trying to edit pre-filters on a Topic with NULL value
    JS-33904: null pointer exception when adding filter to new Ad Hoc view that is set to be "No data" and "Table"
    JS-33944: Regression: After clicking Back button from drilled-down report, Input Control has to be defined once more
    JS-33956: New driver from Progress does not work with Cassandra
    JS-33969: docs bug regarding partial session replication and AWS clusters
    JS-33981: wrong date format for fr locale in Ad Hoc view Input Control
    JS-34014: Missing phantomJS instructions in installation guide
    JS-34015: Long list of values in Ad Hoc pre-filter causes hanging
    JS-34017: Blank space between each filter in the dashboard filter group is too wide
    JS-34019: Rest Login Service NOT working in JRS v7
    JS-34029: Domain Properties data format does not work in crosstab report
    JS-34032: JRXML topic: can't use field with whitespace in the name as Ad Hoc View filter
    JS-34065: Rearranging the columns in a Ad Hoc report does not work properly
    JS-34075: Numbers are formatted incorrectly in excel export
    JS-34076: Dashlet hyperlink with relative path does not work for superuser
    JS-34081: Certain Ad Hoc Views fail after migration to JRS 7.1.0
    JS-34092: if field's value has trailing space in database, Ad Hoc View "keep only" feature fails with error
    JS-34093: crosstab row member won't expand individually if field's value has trailing space in database
    JS-34102: Passing the input control values with % sign in dashboard does not work
    JS-34107: 6.4.3 and 7.1 Bundled installers crashed during initdb.exe with "unknown signal" error
    JS-34109: Ad Hoc filter with more than 1000 entries does not include the NULL value entry
    JS-34113: opening hyperlink from a dashlet chart with filter value containing '%' passed through URL causes "Character decoding failed" error
    JS-34117: Calculated Measure with Formula "IF NOT" is incorrect for Ad Hoc Crosstab
    JS-34122: Ad Hoc Save folder tree does not expand when user contains @
    JS-34133: Scheduler: user with 'execute only' permission on domain can't schedule report
    JS-34144: Clustering - Folder Permissions replication delay for a long period
    JS-34157: Searching UTF-8 characters in an Input control results in an empty report
    JS-34158: Large repository makes it impossible to add additional resources to report
    JS-34177: large string fields disappear from crosstab in Full Data mode
    JS-34180: Default Theme CSS files need refactoring
    JS-34186: JRS 5.5 domain function is no longer working in JRS 7.1.0
    JS-34199: JRS Dashboard takes too long to render
    JS-34219: Long values break Input Control design
    JS-34224: Adhoc Crosstab export: Excel number format differs from Ad Hoc View
    JS-34255: Rest_v2/reports with non-default locale not working
    JS-34263: Dashboard with link is reloading after Clicking on Hyperlinks
    JS-34270: JRS 6.3.0 Adhoc view gets missing field error after upgrading to 7.1
    JS-34278: Install guide: outdated SOAP Java Properties in Weblogic Deployment of Jasper Server
    JS-34286: Inconsistencies in Advanced Joins documentation
    JS-34288: Rearranging the columns in a Ad Hoc report does not work properly when hiding columns in report
    JS-34292: Persistent errors in Ad Hoc Crosstab views after invalid fields added to palette
    JS-34324: sql server domain calculated fields return null values
    JS-34332: "NullPointerException" occurs when executing ad hoc view after restart
    JS-34336: ParentFolderURI does not get encoded if report is executed In new tab
    JS-34371: Oracle error in copy/paste if [] in Ad Hoc view and report names
    JS-34403: race condition causes attributesService to pull wrong value for query
    JSS-1022: dedicated property like "label" for help identifying fields in Outline
    JSS-1023: Add a checkbox to select/deselect all database table columns at once
    JSS-1360: Domain + Filters/Input Controls acting differently depending on the way parameters were created
    JSS-1611: HTML5 Pie Chart Data Label Does Not Use Default Setting
    JSS-1657: JasperSoft Studio (HTML5 Charts): validate a type that is passed to property and hint a correct type / warn about an incorrect type
    JSS-1679: Repository explorer: multi-select parameters type Long incorrectly mapped as java.lang.Object[]/java.util.ArrayList NOT java.util.Collection
    JSS-1681: highlight extra columns created outside table element in Excel
    JSS-1683: auto-map JSON data source data types
    JSS-1691: chart preview doesn't work when using subdataset
    JSS-1698: Selected class not found error when using chart customizer
    JSS-1699: All Workbook templates can only be created in the root folder of a JasperReports Project
    JSS-1702: Empty collection object not actually empty
    JSS-1704: Cannot select report from JasperReports Server for subreport
    JSS-1705: adding Subreport wizard doesn't show file resources from server
    JSS-1706: Cannot select report from JasperReports Server for subreport
    JSS-1713: Connection between Studio 7.1.0 and upgraded Jasper Server 7.1.0 is failing
    JSS-1717: Cassandra driver cannot connect to Cassandra
    JSS-1718: "Change table style" in table component does not work
    JSS-1723: Slowness of the JRS Explorer client
    JSS-1725: receiving NullPointerException upon publishing report with resources to server
    JSS-1727: JSS could not handle collections correctly
    JSS-1728: Relative date displays as null in Jaspersoft Studio
    JSS-1737: com.jaspersoft.studio.field.label property is not generated for newly added Domain fields
    JSS-1739: Domain report - sort fields in the same order they are added to the report

    For information about cases fixed in previous releases, see that version's release notes. For information about the your specific cases, please visit TIBCO Jaspersoft Technical Support (http://support.tibco.com).

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