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  • This documentation is an older version of JasperReports Server Release Notes. View the latest documentation.

    JasperReports® Server is a high-performance standalone or embeddable Business Intelligence (BI) platform that provides rich reporting and integrated in-memory analysis capabilities. In addition, Jaspersoft® OLAP provides data analysis running on the same shared BI platform.

    These release notes describe the installation and available functionality at a high level; for details, see the online help and the documentation, which is available at:

    <js-install>/docs (after installation)

    In particular, see the JasperReports Server Installation Guide for instructions about running the installer, creating and updating the database, and deploying the WAR file; see the JasperReports Server Upgrade Guide for instructions on upgrading from previous versions.


    JasperReports Server is governed by a License Agreement, the text of which is found at <js-install>/Jaspersoft-Subscription-Services-Agreement.txt. Please read it before you login to JasperReports Server for the first time. If you installed the server using an installer binary (rather than deploying a WAR file), you have already agreed to this license.

    These release notes include the following:

    What's New
    Installation and Basic Usage
    Upgrade Notes
    Known Issues
    Release Distributions
    End of Support Notices







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