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  • This documentation is an older version of JasperReports Server Release Notes. View the latest documentation.

    This section describes issues you may need to be aware of, including:

    Current Known Issues
    Known Issues Addressed in Previous Releases

    For information regarding known issues found or addressed in 5.x releases, see the 5.6.1 release notes.

    Current Known Issues

    Note that we have adopted new tracking numbers for our known issues. Issues listed in previous releases' notes include both the old and new numbers; new known issues list only the new numbers.

    JA-926 (was 35986): If you use Jaspersoft OLAP's XML/A functionality to connect to a remote JasperReports Server's XML/A sources, you must take additional steps to complete your upgrade if your previous version was 5.2 or earlier. You must redefine your XML/A connections to specify the connection string in a new way. For example, in previous versions, the Foodmart XML/A connection specified:


    In more recent versions, the DataSource portion of the connection string is always JRS when the remote provider is JasperReports Server. For example:


    JRL-30: When JasperReports Server is hosted under certain combinations of Windows and application servers (such as WildFly 9 on Windows 8.1 or Tomcat 8 on Windows 10), the server becomes unresponsive when a user exports a report; the server responds again once the export completes. To work around this issue, edit the jasperreports.properties file. Comment out the net.sf.jasperreports.phantomjs.executable.path=path/to/phantomjs property, and increase the PhantomJS timeout by changing those settings to:



    JRL-242 (was 17824): While Fusion Charts support annotations, JasperReports Server and Jaspersoft Studio don't support them. Annotations cannot be used in Pro Charts. We plan to address this issue in a subsequent release.
    JRS-11883: When the server is hosted by Tomcat 7.0.73 or Tomcat 8.0.39 and higher, and a user's name and organization are passed as a URL to the server, Tomcat returns an error reporting an illegal character. The problem is caused by the use of the pipe character (|) to specify the user name and organization ID. For example, Tomcat throws an error when the URL passed to the server includes:


    This is because these versions don't allow the pipe character. Instead, you must use %7C as an escaped character; for example, you would instead use:

    JS-19100 (was 30018): When an XML/A provider returns data to the Ad Hoc Editor, JasperReports Server sometimes must convert the datatype to string. For example, an XML/A provider may return data of type currency; in an Ad Hoc view, such currency data is a string that displays as a symbol (such as $) and a number. When such an XML/A-based Ad Hoc view is saved as a report, its datatypes are converted again. JasperReports Server attempts to convert the data to their original types, but in some cases, such as currency, no such type is available, and so currency data is converted to type double. In reports created from an Ad Hoc view, XML/A data that was returned with datatype currency is displayed as a number; the currency symbol is omitted. We plan to address this issue in a subsequent release.
    JS-20916 (was 32168): Though we don't strictly support the practice, in previous versions of JasperReports Server, it was possible to create a clone install in JBoss by copying an existing JasperReports Server WAR file and deploying it to a new JBoss instance. With 5.1, Jaspersoft supports JBoss AS7/EAP6, but has uncovered issues with clone installs. For more information, see this article on our Community website.
    JS-27736 (was 40052): In previous versions of JasperReports Server, field IDs and item IDs in Domains could include spaces. With the addition of calculated fields, these spaces cause JasperReports Server to return errors when the Domain is edited, or when users open Ad Hoc views and reports that rely on it.

    For example, this XML was valid in version 5.2:

    <item description="customer id" descriptionId="" id="customer

    id" label="customer id" labelId="" resourceId="orders.customer

    id" />

    But this returns errors in version 5.6.1 and later. In all later versions, IDs can't include spaces.

    To work around this issue, edit the Domain design to replace spaces with underscores. For example, you would change the above XML to the following:

    <item description="customer id" descriptionId=""

    id="customer_id" label="customer id" labelId=""

    resourceId="orders.customer_id" />

    If you have a large number of Domains, you should write a script or application that automatically substitutes the characters. At a high level, you would:

    1. In your preferred language, write a script that locates spaces in ID definitions and replaces them with underscores.
    2. Export your Domains from JasperReports Server, and extract them from the ZIP file if necessary.
    3. Run your script against the exported, unzipped Domains.
    4. Examine the Domains' XML to confirm that your script worked correctly.
    5. ZIP your Domains into a new archive.
    6. Import the Domains ZIP into a test instance of JasperReports Server.
    7. Test each Domain and the Ad Hoc views and reports that rely on it.
    8. Identify and correct any problems you identify in your script.
    9. Repeat step 3 through step 8until your tests are successful.
    10. When you're sure your script replaces spaces correctly, import your Domains into your production JasperReports Server instance.
    JS-30583 (was 43387): Jaspersoft is aware of a significant performance issues when the server is run in certain versions of. We recommend 8.0.43 or later.
    JS-30677 (was 43514): We have found that earlier versions of PhantomJS may not support or include all the fonts JasperReports Server uses when exporting dashboards. For example:
    If a dashboard contains fonts for certain locales (such as Japan and China), the text isn't rendered properly in the exported dashboard.
    If a table in a dashboard has been filtered or sorted, the sort and filter icons aren't rendered properly in the exported dashboard. Sorted crosstabs exhibit similar behavior.

    If you experience such issues, upgrade PhantomJS to at least version 2.0.

    JS-30847 (was 43707): If a dashboard contains an image dashlet that relies on the repo: syntax to refer to its image, and superuser exports the dashboard (using the repository's Export context menu item or the Manage > Server Settings > Export page), the image isn't exported with the dashboard. We plan to address this issue in a subsequent release.
    JS-31424 (was 44413): When JasperReports Server is hosted by some versions of WebSphere, performance is slow. We have determined that this performance problem is resolved by WebSphere Application Server V8.5.5 Fix Pack 8. Once you apply this fix, your WebSphere version number is For more information, including installation instructions, see IBM's support article.
    JS-31493 (was 44499): The new chart types added in 6.2 (dual-measure tree map, tree map, and parent tree map) don't currently support the hyperlink functionality when an Ad Hoc view or report is used in a dashboard. We plan to address this issue in a subsequent release.

    Known Issues Addressed in Previous Releases

    These defects, which were listed in the release notes of previous versions, were resolved in a previous release:

    JRL-648 (was 31955): In Pro Charts (based on Fusion), Gantt charts do not support HTML5 output format. This release includes a version of Fusion that addresses this limitation. Gantt charts can now be rendered in HTML5 output.
    JS-28160 (was 40543): We uncovered a number of issues while testing this release when deployed in Glassfish 3.1 that prevented us from supporting that specific version of Glassfish with previous releases. We have addressed this issue, though it requires additional configuration for non-clustered Glassfish 3.1.2.

    To change the configuration:

    1. Using a text editor, open the web.xml (found in <js-install>apache-tomcatwebappsjasperserver-proWEB-INF.
    2. Locate and uncomment (that is, remove <!-- from the beginning of) this line:


    3. Locate and comment out (that is, add <!-- at the beginning of) this line:


    4. Locate and uncomment these lines:





    5. Locate and comment out these lines:





    6. Save the file and restart the server.
    JS-31528 (was 44541): When the JasperReports Server installation executable ran in Windows against an existing Tomcat instance, it didn't remove the contents of the WEB-INF/lib directory, which resulted in duplicate JAR files that caused Tomcat to return errors and fail to initialize. This issue is resolved.

    These defects, which were listed in the release notes of previous versions, are considered obsolete:

    21798: When JasperReports Server is accessed through Microsoft Internet Explorer 8, performance may be impaired. Because this version of IE reached its end of life, we consider this defect obsolete.
    25258: When exporting your repository as part of the upgrade process from version 4.0.x, 4.1, or 4.2.x, an organization's theme is reset to the server's default theme. The workaround is to reset each organization's active theme. Custom themes may need to be upgraded, as described in the JasperReports Server Upgrade Guide. Because we have ended support for these versions, we consider this defect obsolete.
    32159: When the 64-bit JasperReports Server binary installer is run in some versions of Mac OSX (including Mac OSX 0.8.3), and you select the option to install the bundled PostgreSQL, an error appears if PostgreSQL 9.1 is already installed. Since we no longer certify this version of Mac OSX, we consider this defect obsolete. Note that this version of OSX is considered compatible with this version of the server.
    33003: Export catalogs created through the web UI in JasperReports Server version 5.1.x contained incorrect metadata. When these catalogs are imported into JasperReports Server version 5.2, the objects they contain are created in the wrong location in the repository. Because we ended support for version 5.2, we consider this defect obsolete. For more information about this defect, see the 5.2 release notes.
    44576: Previous release notes suggested that JasperReports Server failed to export repository resources when the server was hosted by Glassfish 3 and higher and the web UI was viewed in Internet Explorer 9. We have determined that this issue was caused by incorrect configuration, and doesn't occur normally.

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