Troubleshooting Your JasperReports Server Configuration

If you have problems running the buildomatic scripts that set up the database, set up the database manually. For more information, see Setting JVM Options for Application Servers.

Startup Problems

Problems starting a new JasperReports Server instance are usually errors in the database or application server configuration files. To resolve these errors, see Troubleshooting.

Error Running Report

If you have trouble running reports in your new JasperReports Server instance, see Error Running a Report.

Managing Keystore Files

When you install JasperReports Server recent version on a machine in addition to versions 7.2.x and 7.5.x, the new installation or one of the previous instances may not function properly. This is caused by permissions on the keystore files needing to be different in recent releases, and differences in file contents. This issue affects only version 7.2.x and higher. Earlier versions are not affected. To resolve this issue, you need to change the .ksp path.

To change the .ksp path for deploying JasperReports Server war file :

Before making the changes, you must back up the .jrsksp and .jrsks files to a secure location. And make sure all backups are readable only by admin users.

1. Decode the .jrsksp file using Base64 Table 1 of RFC 2045, url unsafe, and padded, for example:
Linux:cat.jrsksp | openssl base64 -d > <temp_file>
Windows: certutil -decode .jrsksp temp.jrsksp
2. Edit the .jrsksp file and add the ksPath property with the path to the .jrsks file in the current folder, for example:
Linux: ksPath=~/jrs800/.jrsks/
Windows: ksPath=$HOME\\jrs800\\.jrsks
3. Encrypt the temp.jrsksp file back to .jrsksp
4. Re-encode the .jrsksp file with the same Base64 settings, for example:
Linux: base64 .jrsksp > ./temp.jrsksp
mv temp.jrsksp .jrsksp

mv is not required, but you should make sure that the original .jrsksp file does not exist (backed up). The command for this is: base64 /path/to/file > .jrsksp.
For example: ./temp.jrsksp > .jrsksp

Windows: certutil a- encode temp.jrsksp tmp.b64 && findstr /v /c:tmp.b64 .jrsksp
5. Locate the buildomatic/ server configuration file and edit it to modify the ks and ksp properties:
Linux: ks=~/jrs800/ ksp=~/jrs800/
Windows: ks=$HOME\\jrs800\\ ksp=$HOME\\jrs800\\
6. Use the modified buildomatic/ file to overwrite the same file in the following locations (depending on the release):

7. Restart the service.