JasperReports Server requires a license to run and comes with an evaluation license that is valid for 30 days. Please contact Technical Support or your sales representative to get your commercial license.
The license file is in the following location:
The license file specifies the terms of your license, such as the following:
• | Expiration date, number of users, and/or number of CPUs |
• | Also, features licensed separately from the basic commercial license, such as multi-tenancy |
Jaspersoft receives information about your system periodically. The information is used only to monitor compliance with your license. No personal information is collected or transmitted.
Default License Configuration for All Application Servers
At startup time, JasperReports Server automatically looks for the jasperserver.license file in the home directory of the system user who is running the application server. “License Locations” lists the application server user home directories for supported operating systems.
To configure the license:
1. | Stop the application server. |
2. | Copy the jasperserver.license file in <js-install> to the directory for your operating system: |
Operating System
Windows 7 installed from WAR file
Windows 7 installed from the binary installer
Windows 2003
C:Documents and Settings<user>
Windows 2008
C:Documents and Settings<user>
User-Defined License Location
If you prefer to put your license in another directory, modify your application server startup script to set a JAVA_OPT value to explicitly point to that directory.
Alternate License Setup for Tomcat
If your license is not located in the home directory of the application server user, you can set a JAVA_OPT value to explicitly point to your license.
On Windows:
1. | In the file <tomcat>/bin/setclasspath.bat, locate the following line: |
set JAVA_ENDORSED_DIRS=%BASEDIR%commonendorsed
Alternatively, create an empty file called <tomcat>/bin/setenv.bat.
2. | Below that line or in the new file, insert the following line: |
set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Djs.license.directory="<js-install>"
For example:
set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Djs.license.directory="C:jasperserver-bin"
On Linux and Mac OSX:
1. | In the file <tomcat>/bin/setclasspath.sh, locate the following line: |
Alternatively, create an empty file called <tomcat>/bin/setenv.sh.
2. | Below that line or in the new file, insert the following line: |
export JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Djs.license.directory=<js-install>"
For example:
export JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Djs.license.directory=/home/user/jasperserver-bin"
Alternate License Setup for Bundled Tomcat as a Windows Service
The Windows binary installer installs the bundled Tomcat component as a Windows Service by default. The steps to specify a specific folder to hold the jasperserver.license are the following:
1. | Open this file for editing: |
cd <js-install>/apache-tomcat/bin/service.bat
2. | Look for the following line (second line of two that set JVM options): |
Update the line above to point to this example license location:
Because Tomcat is installed as a service, you need to re-install the service. From a Windows Command shell, enter these commands (Note: the cmd shell will disappear when these commands are run. You need to open a new cmd shell for each command.). To open a cmd shell: Start Menu > Run... > cmd:
The Tomcat service is removed and then installed. After execution of these commands, the service is running.
Alternate License Location for Existing Tomcat as a Windows Service
Windows 7:
If you have an existing Tomcat as a Windows Service under Windows 7, copy your license to the root of the C: drive. This is the home folder for the SYSTEM user. The location is:
Alternate License Setup for JBoss
If your license will not be located in the home directory of the application server user, you can set a JAVA_OPT value to explicitly point to your license.
On Windows:
1. | In the file <jboss>/bin/run.bat, locate the following line: |
set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Dprogram.name=%PROGNAME%
2. | Below that line, insert the following line: |
set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Djs.license.directory="<js-install>"
For example:
set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Djs.license.directory="C:jasperserver-bin"
On Linux and Mac OSX:
1. | In the file <jboss>/bin/run.sh, locate the following line: |
export JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Dprogram.name=$PROGNAME"
2. | Below that line, insert the following line: |
export JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Djs.license.directory=<js-install>"
For example:
export JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Djs.license.directory=/home/user/jasperserver-bin"
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