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  • This documentation is an older version of JasperReports Server Community Project Upgrade Guide. View the latest documentation.

    This section describes how to set up your installation to use a driver other than the default driver.

    Open Source JDBC Drivers

    For open source JDBC drivers, buildomatic is set up to use a single default driver. If you want to use a driver other than the default driver, you can modify the buildomatic property files that determine the default JDBC driver.

    The buildomatic JDBC driver property files are set up to point to a specific driver jar. This allows for multiple driver jar files in the same buildomatic/conf_source/db/<dbType>/jdbc folder. During the installation procedure only the default driver jar is copied to your application server.

    If you want to use a newer JDBC driver version or a different JDBC driver, you can modify the buildomatic properties seen in your default_master.properties file.

    PostgreSQL Example

    The buildomatic/conf_source/db/postgresql/jdbc folder contains the following driver file:


    If, for instance, you want to change the default driver used by PostgreSQL from type jdbc4 to jdbc3, edit your default_master.properties file:


    Uncomment and change:

    # maven.jdbc.version=9.4-1210.jdbc41



    When you next run a buildomatic command, such as deploy-webapp-ce, the jdbc3 driver will be copied to your application server.

    MySQL Example

    The buildomatic/conf_source/db/mysql/jdbc folder contains this driver file:


    If, for instance, you want to use a JDBC driver built and distributed by the MySQL project, such as mysql-connector-java-5.1.30-bin.jar, you first need to download the driver from the MySQL Connector/J download location:


    Next, change your buildomatic configuration properties to point to this new driver.

    Edit your default_master.properties file:


    Uncomment and change:

    # jdbcDriverClass=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver

    # maven.jdbc.groupId=mysql

    # maven.jdbc.artifactId=mysql-connector-java

    # maven.jdbc.version=5.1.30-bin






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