Changes in 6.1 That May Affect Your Upgrade
Changes to Themes
The look and feel of the JasperReports Server web interface has been redesigned to modernize the application's appearance. To accomplish this, markup and styles have been modified. As a result of these modifications, custom themes developed for the previous interface will need to be updated for the new interface.
The following table lists the changes made to the user interface and describes some of the steps necessary to update custom themes in overrides_custom.css. The main changes are in the banner, body, footer, and login page. The changes to the login page are extensive. Instead of attempting to update an existing login page, you should re-implement the login page in the new default theme.
For information on developing new themes, see the JasperReports Server Community Project Administrator Guide and the JasperReports Server Ultimate Guide.
Updating Themes in JasperReports Server 6.1
Element Classname and Modifications File NotesBanner
Give custom value to height
Default value:
height: 32px
Set custom top and bottom values that position the body of the application between the banner and footer without overlap
Default value:
top: 32px
bottom: 17px
This value needs to be equal to or greater than the height of .banner
The bottom position needs to be adjusted only if the height of the footer is changed
Give custom values to height and width that match the dimensions of your logo
Adjust margins around the logo if needed
Default values:
height: 22px
width: 176px
margin-top: 6px
margin-right: 4px
margin-bottom: 0
margin-left: 8px
Main Navigation
.menu.primaryNav .wrap
Set height and line-height to 1px shorter than .banner
height: 31px
line-height: 31px
Main Navigation Home icon
Set height to be the same as .banner
Set values for width and background-position to fit your image.
height: 32px
width: 14px
background-position: 0 -164px
background-position: 0 -163px (IE8-9)
Main Navigation
Item arrow icon
Set height to your desired value, with the maximum value being the same height measurement as the .banner element.
Set background-position and width to a value that properly displays the default or your custom image.
height: 32px
background-position: left -79px
width: 11px
Main Navigation
Item arrow icon
.menu.primaryNav .wrap.over
.menu.primaryNav .wrap.pressed
Set background-position to a value that properly displays the default or your custom image.
background-position is not explicitly defined, the value is cascaded from .menu.primaryNav .node > .wrap > .icon
This only needs to be adjusted if you want a different color disclosure indicator for the pressed and over states of the main menu links
Search container
Set margin-top to desired value that will vertically center it within the banner.
margin-top: 5px
Set line-height to the desired value that will vertically center it within the banner.
line-height: 20px
Set height if you want it to be anything other than the default value.
height: 17px
Login pageRe-implement in new theme.
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