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  • This documentation is an older version of JasperReports Server Community Project Upgrade Guide. View the latest documentation.

    The following changes in 5.6 and later can significantly affect your deployment:

    Changes to OLAP engine: Due to change between version of the OLAP engine, if you use Jaspersoft OLAP’s XML/A functionality to connect to a remote JasperReports Server’s XML/A sources, you must take additional steps to complete your upgrade to 5.6.

    Changes to OLAP Engine

    If you use Jaspersoft OLAP’s XML/A functionality to connect to a remote JasperReports Server’s XML/A sources, you must take additional steps to complete your upgrade to 5.6. This is because of a change between versions of the OLAP engine.

    Once the new version of JasperReports Server is installed and running, locate all the XML/A connections that point to a remote JasperReports Server instance. Then edit the DataSource field to specify JRS as the DataSource portion of its value.

    For example, in previous versions, the Foodmart XML/A connection specified:


    During upgrade, this connection must be changed to:


    Note that for 5.6, the trailing semicolon should be removed (the older 5.5 syntax includes a semicolon at the end).

    For more information about creating and editing XML/A connections, refer to the Jaspersoft OLAP User Guide.

    One reason you might have XML/A connections to remote instances of JasperReports Server is to create a load-balanced Jaspersoft OLAP environment. For more information, refer to the Jaspersoft OLAP Ultimate Guide.

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