Updates Made by the Installer During Installation
This section lists the standard updates the installer makes to your local environment when you install to existing applications. When the installation completes, you can check whether the updates, or corresponding changes, were successful.
Updates made to the application server
If you installed to an existing Tomcat, the installer attempted the following updates to the Tomcat environment:
File or Directory | Updates |
Windows: bin/setclasspath.bat Linux and Mac OSX: bin/setclasspath.sh | Modifies JAVA_OPTS to add -Djs.license.directory. (Commercial installer only) |
Windows: bin/setenv.bat Linux and Mac OSX: bin/setevn.sh | Creates this file. Sets increased Java memory allocation values to JAVA_OPTS. For additional settings, refer to Setting JVM Options for Application Servers. |
All platforms: lib | Adds PostgresQL JDBC drivers to this directory. |
Updates made to the PostgreSQL database
If you installed to an existing PostgreSQL database, the installer created new schemas and users in your database instance:
PostgreSQL Updates | Description |
Database jasperserver created | This is the JasperReports Server repository database. This database holds all of system information, such as users, roles, data sources, and report definitions. |
Database user jasperdb created | The JasperReports Server application uses this user to connect to the database. |
Sample database foodmart created | (optional) Database created if install sample data option was chosen. |
Sample database sugarcrm created | (optional) Database created if install sample data option was chosen. |
Installer Output Log File Location
The installer creates a log during installation that records information as the installation progresses. If you encounter any problems when you install JasperReports Server, it can be helpful to look at the installer log. You can find the installer log at <js-install>/installation.log.
Checking your Java JVM Options
Whether you're using the bundled Tomcat or an existing Tomcat, the installer attempts to set Java JVM options to help with memory allocation. You can double-check the values set to see if they are appropriate for your installation. If you installed the bundled version of Tomcat, these are the default Java JVM options for heap memory allocation:
Installer Type | Setting | File Location |
32-bit (x86) Linux | -Xms512m -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m | <js-install>/apache-tomcat/scripts/ctl.sh |
64-bit (x64) Windows | -Xms1024m -Xmx2048m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m | <js-install>/apache-tomcat/bin/service.bat |
64-bit (x64) Linux and Mac OSX | -Xms1024m -Xmx2048m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m | <js-install>/apache-tomcat/scripts/ctl.sh |
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