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  • This documentation is an older version of JasperReports Server Community Edition Release Notes. View the latest documentation.

    This section describes new features introduced in the Jaspersoft BI Suite Version 7.8 release. For information regarding features introduced to Version 7.1.0 to 7.5.0 releases, see the Changes In Previous Versions section.

    Version 7.8.0

    JasperReports Server 7.8.0 adds these improvements:

    Updated user interface. This release includes new visual changes on several pages:
    The Search Results page has new expand and collapse controls for the filters column on the left.
    The Repository page, Library page, Schedules page, Schedules editor, and Management pages have a new look.
    New Chromium JavaScript engine. JasperReports Server Version 7.8 uses the Chromium JavaScript engine to generate graphical reports. The binary installer for JasperReports Server will display a message asking if you want to use the engine and then prompt you to enter the path to Chrome or Chromium on your machine. If you want to use Microsoft Edge as your main web browser, you will need to install JasperReports Server using the stand-alone WAR file distribution. For instructions on installing the Chromium JavaScript engine, see the TIBCO JasperReports Server Installation Guide.
    New platforms. This release adds support for several new third-party platforms:
    Operating systems:
    Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.8, 8.0
    MacOS 10.15
    Application servers:
    Tomcat 8.5.54, 8.5.57, 9.0.34, 9.0.37
    Wildfly 18, 19
    Database servers:
    DB2 11.5
    MySQL 8.0
    SQL Server 2019

    Jaspersoft Studio 7.8.0 adds these improvements:

    New jasperQL query language. Jaspersoft Studio supports a new query language that provides more options to aggregate and sort data in Domain-based reports (JasperReports Server Professional Edition only). For example, with jasperQL you can use Order By, Group By, and Limit in your queries. The domain query language is still supported.
    JasperReports Library 6.14.0 support. Jaspersoft Studio now provides full support for JasperReports Library 6.14.0.
    Updated Drivers. The following drivers are updated:
    Progress DB2 driver updated from version 5.14 to
    Progress Salesforce driver updated from version 5.14 to
    Progress MSSQL Server driver updated from version to
    Progress Spark driver updated from version 6.0.2 to
    Progress MongoDB driver updated from version to
    New Drivers. The following drivers are added:
    Progress Google BigQuery driver version
    Simba Google BigQuery driver version
    Elasticsearch driver version 7.6.0
    TIBCO Data Virtualization driver version 8.2.0
    Updated Bouncycastle bundle. Updated to version 1.64.0.jdk15on

    JasperReports Library 7.8.0 adds these improvements:

    Introduced a secure report execution infrastructure that allows filtering of classes used in expressions. The allowed classes are specified in a configurable whitelist.
    Improvements in expression bytecode generation and expression evaluation. Simple expressions containing only parameter, field, or variable references are evaluated directly.
    New built-in function ORIGINAL_DATA_SOURCE gives access the original data source when the data is sorted using sort field declarations in the dataset.
    New built-in function SUB_DATA_SOURCE creates a JSON or XML sub data source when the data is sorted using sort field declarations in the dataset.
    Added functionality to automatically increase the frame element width if its contents stretch horizontally.
    Added support for dynamic bookmark levels based on expressions.
    Added support for PDF forms to the core library. Custom properties at the report element level convert report elements into editable text fields, lists, check boxes, or radio buttons when the report is exported to PDF.
    The JasperReports Web Framework providing the embeddable report viewer APIs has been removed from the JasperReports Library as it is now available as part of other products such as JasperReports Server, Jaspersoft Studio, and JasperReports IO. All Javascript, CSS, HTML templates, images files, and servlets that make up this framework have been removed from the core library JAR. The related /demo/samples/webapp-repo sample has been removed from the project distribution. The former /demo/samples/webapp sample continues to provide an example for using the JasperReports Library in Java web applications, for delivering static/non-interactive reports in all supported export formats.
    Fixed an issue with the virtualization of large unpaginated reports containing large frame elements.
    Improved justified alignment for paragraphs that are cut through by page or column breaks.
    Added support for Java Generics in the class attribute of parameters, fields, and variables.

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