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  • This documentation is an older version of JasperReports Server Community Edition Release Notes. View the latest documentation.

    This section describes new features introduced in the Jaspersoft BI Suite Version 6 releases. For information regarding features added to Version 5 releases, see the 5.6.1 release notes.

    Version 6.4.2


    JasperReports Server 6.4.2 is a maintenance release that includes improvements requested by customers. For information about the status of specific cases, please visit TIBCO Jaspersoft Technical Support (http://support.tibco.com). Highlights of this release include:

    New Supported Platforms. Some components included in the installer have been updated:
         Apache Tomcat 8.5.20
         Oracle JDK 8 version 1.8.0_144 (8u144)
         PostgreSQL 9.3.18
         Spring Framework 3.2.18
    Directory Access Control. The improvements include a new option to deny access to directories in the file system of the JasperReports Server host using the ResourceForwardingServlet servlet. The servlet forwards requests from, for example, /runtime/<hex-code>/<my-resource> to the /<my-resource> URL to handle browser caching.

    Access to the WEB-INF and META-INF directories is always denied. In some circumstances, you may want to deny access to other directories. For example, if you restrict access to certain directories using the security-constraint tag in web.xml, you should also restrict access to those directories using the forwardForbiddenDirectories parameter of the ResourceForwardingServlet servlet. To do so, edit a configuration file.

    1. Using a text editor, open the aweb.xml file (found in <js-install>apache-tomcatwebappsjasperserver-ceWEB-INF).
    2. Locate the init-param section of the ResourceForwardingServlet servlet.
    3. In the param-value section of the forwardForbiddenDirectories parameter, enter a comma-separated list of directories that JasperReports Server users shouldn't be able to access. This parameter can only list directories under the jasperserver-ce web application.

    For example:







    <!-- Comma separated list of any additional directories

    (besides WEB-INF, META-INF) that the access is forbidden to-->


    4. Save the file and restart the server.


    In some cases, the documentation may refer to this release as 6.4.0. In such cases, the information applies to 6.4.0 and 6.4.2.

    Version 6.4.0

    JasperReports Server 6.4.0 included these improvements:

    Installation Improvement. PhantomJS can now be installed with the server.
    PDF Release Notes. These release notes, which were previously delivered as a text file, are now delivered as PDF.
    Jaspersoft Studio. Our advanced report designer now supports improved customizers for JFreeCharts in JasperReports Library:
    New chart customizers classes for working with specific chart types.
    Support for configurable chart customizers, which let the user enter values at report runtime.
    Support for multiple chart customizers applied to a single chart.
    User interface support for chart customizers in Jaspersoft Studio using a JSON file that can be uploaded.

    Version 6.3.0

    JasperReports Server 6.3.0 added these improvements:

    Scheduler. New enhancements include:
         Support for SFTP with SSH key authentication as a transfer protocol.
         Automatic validation of the path to the repository output folder when clicking Save.
         Support for changing the default output folder; it's specified by editing a configuration file. For more information on themes, see the JasperReports Server Administrator Guide
    Jaspersoft Studio. New enhancements include:
         Support for font sets, which let you group font extensions in supersets that can include several languages or character sets and control which languages are used with each font in the set.
         Import and export for configuration resources, which lets you migrate global configurations, such as global data adapters, composite elements, and Jaspersoft Studio preferences, between different instances of Jaspersoft Studio.
         Improved interface for editing properties in HTML5 charts.
    Security Improvements. In our on-going effort to improve the security of your data, JasperReports Server implements a new Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) protection mechanism that is more effective and less intrusive. To fully enable CSRF protection, please configure it as described in the JasperReports Server Security Guide.

    Version 6.2.1

    JasperReports Server 6.2.1 added these improvements:

    New Supported Platforms. This release adds support for:
         Operating Systems: Microsoft Windows 10; note that Microsoft Edge is also supported with this release.
         Application Servers: WildFly 8.2.0.
    Jaspersoft Studio. Our advanced report designer includes several improvements:
         Usability and interface improvements, including improvements to crosstabs, particularly when working with row and column groups; improvements to the community-supported Custom Visualization Component.
         If you are using your reports with an application you built using JasperReports Library, you can use the Window > Preferences > Compatibility Setting to choose the version of JasperReports Library to use for compiling reports. This doesn't affect reports uploaded to JasperReports Server, which are still set by configuring each server.
    Documentation Improvements. To improve the API documentation of JasperReports Server, the Web Services Guide has been redesigned and renamed as the JasperReports Server REST API Reference. This book covers the current and complete REST API; the deprecated REST and SOAP APIs have been removed from the guide.

    Version 6.2.0

    JasperReports Server 6.2.0 added these improvements:

    Jaspersoft Studio. Our advanced report designer has several improvements, including:
         The RCP version of Jaspersoft Studio has been updated to Eclipse 4.5.
         Enhancements to the custom visualization component let you create your own component UI using a JSON file.
         A new grid layout makes it easier to place elements in containers, such as bands, tables, crosstabs, and frames.
         Two ready to use custom visualization components:
    Figures: This example component lets you add a visualization of stick figures representing a set of values. Such visualizations are often used in infographics to depict complex information in a format that's easy to read.
    Radial Progress: This example component lets you add a circular visualization that represents a percentage. Values up to 100% are drawn as a single ring or portion thereof. For values above 100%, additional rings are drawn.

    For more information on these community-supported features visit http://community.jaspersoft.com.

         Due to incompatibilities between Eclipse 4.5 and earlier versions of the Jaspersoft Studio workspace, the workspace format has been updated. Upgrading users are prompted to pick a new workspace location. Once Jaspersoft Studio launches, import your previous projects to the new location. You can also import data adapters, server connections, and preferences.

    Version 6.1.1

    JasperReports Server 6.1.1 added these improvements:

    Keyboard Navigation and Improved Accessibility. Keyboard navigation has been improved in the web UI. Accessibility has been improved, including the Easy Access theme, which increases color contrast and highlighting in the web UI. It can improve the user experience of those with visual impairment.

    For more information on themes, see the JasperReports Server Administrator Guide. For information on keyboard navigation, see the JasperReports Server User Guide.

    Performance Improvements. JasperReports Server's performance has been improved, particularly when adding organizations in an instance with a very large number of organizations.
    New Supported Platforms. This release added support for:
         Operating Systems: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.1
         Databases: PostgreSQL 9.4
         Application Servers:
    tcServer 2.5.1, 2.6.5, and 2.9.10 (not supported in JasperReports Server 6.4 or later)
         Java Development Kits:
    Open JDK 1.8
    IBM JDK 1.7

    Version 6.1.0

    JasperReports Server 6.1.0 added these improvements:

    Documentation Improvements. In our continuing efforts to improve the security of JasperReports Server, we have reorganized some of our documentation for ease of use. In previous releases, information about securing the application was spread across several documents. In this release, the new JasperReports Server Security Guide describes security concerns and steps you can take to protect your application. Details of data-level security in Jaspersoft OLAP remain in that product's user guide.
    Updated Default Theme. An updated theme for the web UI improves the server's look and feel.
    Updated Components. We have updated versions of some of the third-party components that are provided in the JasperReports Server installer:
         Apache Tomcat 7.0.59
         Postgres 9.1.15 (32 or 64 bit)
         Oracle JDK 1.7.0_75 (32 or 64 bit)
    New Platform Support. JasperReports Server now supports:
         Oracle Java 8 as a JDK

    Version 6.0.1

    JasperReports Server 6.0.1 added these improvements:

    Custom Visualization Component. This new Jaspersoft Studio Community-supported component lets you leverage third-party JavaScript libraries, such as D3, in Jaspersoft Studio and JasperReports Server. For details, please see the article on our Community wiki.

    Please note that this component is only supported by the Jaspersoft Community. TIBCO Jaspersoft Technical Support and Engineering do not currently support this feature.

    The custom visualization component is a powerful and flexible feature, suitable for advanced users of JasperReports. Using the component requires advanced coding skills in the following technologies:

         The third-party library you want to expose in Jaspersoft Studio and JasperReports Server.
    Updated Spring Security. Starting in this release, the server now incorporates a more recent version of the underlying Spring Security framework. We now use Spring Security 3. The new version offers improved application security.

    If you are upgrading from a previous version of JasperReports Server, you may need to take additional steps to accommodate the file structure of the new version of Spring. This is particularly the case if you have custom LDAP or SSO configured for the server. For more information, see the JasperReports Server External Authentication Cookbook.

    Interactive Reports. The web UI's report viewer now includes:
         Workbooks and Tables of Contents let report designers create a JRXML report that contains workbook sections and a Table of Contents that is displayed as a tabbed report in the server's report viewer. The table of contents is also created when the workbook is exported; for example, a PDF would include a table of contents hyperlinked to specific report pages. This eliminates the need for code that was previously required to consolidate multiple reports and generate a table of contents in earlier releases.
         Variable page format support lets report designers combine reports that have varying page layout formats within a single workbook. This lets the designer create highly customized content within a single report.
         Floating crosstab headings are displayed and move with your view as you scroll through long crosstab reports.
    Server Level Attributes. New profile attributes support hierarchical and categorical attributes at the user and server levels. You can refer to these attributes while developing reports in Jaspersoft Studio and while defining data sources in JasperReports Server. The new profile attributes make management much more flexible and robust. You can create parameter-based data sources using attributes defined at user and server levels to control the data users see in reports and OLAP views.

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