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  • This documentation is an older version of JasperReports Server Build Guide - Community Edition. View the latest documentation.

    This appendix describes how to build other JasperReports Server components:

    Building JasperJPivot Source Code
    Building and Running Jasper-Portlet

    Building JasperJPivot Source Code

    JasperJPivot is adapted from the JPivot open source project. It provides the web interface for Jaspersoft OLAP. In addition, JasperJPivot includes usability enhancements in the areas of navigation, configuration, and scalability.

    You can get the source code package from the Jaspersoft technical support website (login required).

    Download the source code package:

    On the Jaspersoft technical support website (login required).

    Look for a file with the following name:


    Build the source code package:

    Unpack the downloaded source code package zip file.

    Next, follow the instructions found in the <unpacked-src>/Building-JasperJPivot-Source.pdf.

    The process of building the JasperJPivot requires Apache Maven. For more information, see Check Your Maven Version.

    Building and Running Jasper-Portlet

    The JasperReports Server portlet can be deployed to the Liferay Portal or to the JBoss Portal so that reports in the JasperReports Server repository can be displayed in your Portal environment.

    Jaspersoft provides the source code for the JasperReports Server portlet so that developers can customize and extend the application for their specific needs. You can get the source code package from the Jaspersoft technical support website (login required).

    The process of building the JasperReports Server Portlet WAR file requires Apache Maven. For more information, see Check Your Maven Version.

    Download the source code package:

    On the Jaspersoft technical support website (login required).

    Look for a file with the following name:


    Build the source code package:

    First, unpack the downloaded source code package zip file.

    Next, follow the instructions in the Build Readme.txt file (found in the root unpacked folder).

    Also, look for additional Readme.txt information in the <unpacked-folder>/docs directory.

    For instructions on deploying and running the JasperReports Server Portlet, refer to the JasperReports Server Administrator Guide and the readme files at the root of the unpacked zip file.


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