Organizations are a feature of JasperReports Server commercial editions. Skip this section if you have JasperReports Server community edition. |
In the sample-applicationContext-externalAuth-db-mt.xml file, the tenantId is returned within the field usersByUsernameAndTenantNameQuery in externalUserTenantDetailsService. This query provides the required information to the tenant processor, so no additional configuration is needed.
Organizations that are created during external user login have an administrator with a default password. As of JasperReports Server 6.0, the admin username and password is configurable. See Setting Up Default Admins for Organizations for more information. For security reasons, you should change the default password of any organization admin that is created. See Initialization of JasperReports Server for External Users for a process to initialize the server, including organization admins, before going into production with external authentication.
Setting Up Default Admins for Organizations
In a multi-organization deployment, JasperReports Server creates a jasperadmin user whenever you create a new organization. The jasperadmin user is also given a standard default password. As of JasperReports Server 6.0, if you are creating multiple organizations using external authentication, you can set a different default password for jasperadmin, remove the jasperadmin user, and/or create additional default users in each new organization created by external authentication. You can also optionally encrypt the password in the configuration files. See the JasperReports Server Administrator Guide for more information on default users in every organization.
For security reasons, you should change the default password of any organization admin that is created. See Initialization of JasperReports Server for External Users for a process to initialize the server, including organization admins, before going into production with external authentication. |
To set up admin users:
1. | Open your sample-applicationContext-xxx-externalAuth.xml file in a text editor. |
2. | Locate the externalTenantSetupUsers property in the externalTenantSetupProcessor bean. |
3. | The sample contains a bean of class ExternalTenantSetupUser already configured for jasperadmin. |
<property name="externalTenantSetupUsers"> <list> <bean class=" externalAuth.processors.MTAbstractExternalProcessor.ExternalTenantSetupUser"> <property name="username" value="${}"/> <property name="fullName" value="${new.tenant.user.fullname.1}"/> <property name="password" value="${new.tenant.user.password.1}"/> <property name="emailAddress" value="${}"/> <property name="roleSet"> <set> <value>ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR</value> <value>ROLE_USER</value> </set> </property> </bean> </list></property>[/code] |
4. | To create additional admin users for each external organization, create a bean of class ExternalTenantSetupUser for each admin user you want. |
<bean class=" externalAuth.processors.MTAbstractExternalProcessor.ExternalTenantSetupUser"> <property name="username" value="${}"/> <property name="fullName" value="${new.tenant.user.fullname.2}"/> <property name="password" value="${new.tenant.user.password.2}"/> <property name="emailAddress" value="${}"/>[/code] |
<property name="roleSet"> <set> <value>ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR</value> <value>ROLE_USER</value> </set> </property> </bean>[/code] |
5. | The ${...} syntax above references values configured in the <js‑install> file. To set these values, open <js‑install> and edit the entries there. |[/code][/code] |
Note: The property names, for example,, are arbitrary. You can use any name for each property as long as the name in the applicationContext-externalAuth-xxx.xml file matches the name in the file.
6. | If you want to obfuscate the default passwords in the files, encrypt them as described in the JasperReports Server Administrator Guide. Obfuscation must be implemented before you install the server. |
7. | If you do not want to obfuscate default passwords, you can eliminate the reference to and instead configure the values directly in the externalTenantSetupUsers property in the applicationContext-externalAuth-xxx.xml file. For example: |
<property name="username" value="anotheradmin"/> <property name="fullName" value="Another Admin"/> <property name="password" value="anotherpassword"/> <property name="emailAddress" value=""/>[/code] |
Mapping Organization Names
You can optionally use the organizationMap property in the externalTenantSetupProcessor bean to map organization names extracted from your external authority to organization names in JasperReports Server. To do this, create a key/value pair for each organization you want to map, specifying the external organization name as the key and the organization name in JasperReports Server as the value. When mapping organizations, the server determines the mapped name and uses it as the name, ID, and description of the organization.
For example, the following would map users in External_Org_1 in the external authority to JRS_Org_1 in JasperReports Server and users in External_Org_2 in the external authority to JRS_Org_2 in JasperReports Server:
<property name="organizationMap"> <map> <entry key="External_Org_1" value="JRS_Org_1" /> <entry key="External_Org_2" value="JRS_Org_2" /> </map> </property>[/code] |
The organizationMap property is optional. Any organization in your external authority that is not listed in organizationMap is mapped to an organization of the same name in JasperReports Server. However, if an organization in your external authority contains characters which are not supported, each sequence of unsupported characters is replaced with a single underscore. For example, Human Resources maps to Human_Resources.
The tenantIdNotSupportedSymbols property of the configurationBean bean in the applicationContext.xml file lists the unsupported characters, including spaces and the following characters: |, &, *, ?, <, >, /, , ~, !, #, $, %, ^, [, ], or a space. If you want to list additional characters that should be replaced with an underscore, you can add them in this bean. However, we do not recommend removing any of the pre-defined characters, as JasperReports Server may not handle them correctly.
Specifying a Single Organization
If you have multiple organizations in your deployment, you can use the externalTenantSetupProcessor bean to specify a single organization that is assigned to all external users. To do this, set externalTenantSetupProcessor’s defaultOrganization property to the organization ID of the desired organization. If an organization with that ID already exists, all external users are assigned to that organization; if the organization does not exist, it is created when the first external user authenticates correctly.
When specifying the defaultOrganization value, the organization ID must not contain the following characters: |, &, *, ?, <, >, /, , ~, !, #, $, %, ^, [, or ].
The following example shows how to configure to assign all users to organization_1:
<bean id="externalTenantSetupProcessor" class="com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.multipleTenancy. security.externalAuth.processors.MTExternalTenantSetupProcessor" parent="abstractExternalProcessor"> <property name="multiTenancyService"> <ref bean="internalMultiTenancyService"/> </property> <property name="defaultOrganization" value="organization_1"/></bean>[/code] |
Do not specify a null value for the defaultOrganization property. The null organization ID is usually reserved for special users such as the system administrator and allows access to the repository folder of all other organizations. |
Organizations that are created during external user login have an administrator with the default password. For security reasons, you should change the default password of any organization admin that is created. See Initialization of JasperReports Server for External Users for a process to initialize JasperReports Server, including organization administrators, before going into production with external authentication.
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