In order to authenticate a user, JasperReports Server first queries the external database to retrieve the user by username and organization. After authentication, a second query is executed in order to retrieve user roles. These queries are configured in the externalUserTenantDetailsService bean. The results are used to map users, roles, and organizations.
| • | externalUserTenantDetailsService – Configure this bean to define the queries necessary to retrieve user, organization, and roles from the external database. This bean has the following properties: |
| • | dataSource property – References the externalDataSource bean, which configures the JDBC connection to the database. The externalDataSource bean is defined later in the file. |
| • | usersByUsernameAndTenantNameQuery – Property that takes as input a single username parameter and returns a username, encrypted password, and an organization id. Configure this property with a database query that retrieves the information against which the user is authenticated, that is, the username, encrypted password, and organization. |
| • | authoritiesByUsernameQuery – Property that takes as input a single username parameter and returns one or more records of username, rolename tuples. Configure this property with a database query that retrieves the user and roles from the external database. |
The following example shows how to set up the externalUserTenantDetailsService bean queries:
<bean id="externalUserTenantDetailsService" class="com.jaspersoft.jasperserver."> <property name="dataSource" ref="externalDataSource"/> <property name="usersByUsernameAndTenantNameQuery" value="SELECT u.username, u.password, t.tenantId FROM jiuser u, jitenant t WHERE u.tenantId = and username = ?"/> <property name="authoritiesByUsernameQuery" value="SELECT u.username, r.rolename FROM jiuser u, jiuserrole ur, jirole r WHERE = ur.userId and and u.username = ?"/> <property name="multiTenancyConfiguration"><ref bean="multiTenancyConfiguration"/></property></bean>[/code] |
Note that the semantics, order, and number of the columns in each tuple is fixed. Changing the order or number of the columns requires customization which is beyond the scope of this manual.
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