Configuring Ad Hoc
Ad Hoc settings help you fine-tune the Ad Hoc Editor and how users interact with Ad Hoc views, in particlar the cache settings that may affect performance for large data sets. Users with ROLE_SUPERUSER can manage the Ad Hoc settings and cache through the UI. Less used settings are located in configuration files.
When opening Ad Hoc views or reprts that are based on Domains, data structures are verified against those in the Domain and may cause errors if the view or report reference items that are no longer in the Domain. To modify this behavior, see Setting the Level of Referential Integrity.
This section covers the following ways to configure Ad Hoc:
• | Ad Hoc Settings |
• | Ad Hoc Data Policies |
• | Ad Hoc Data Policies for Big Data |
• | Ad Hoc Templates and Report Generators |
• | Ad Hoc Configuration File |
• | Ad Hoc Cache Management |
• | Ad Hoc OLAP Filter Configuration |
Ad Hoc Settings
The Ad Hoc settings apply to Ad Hoc views based on Topics or Domains. Ad Hoc views based on OLAP connections use the OLAP settings described in the Jaspersoft OLAP User Guide. |
The Ad Hoc settings include the following:
• | General Settings to modify the Ad Hoc Editor user interface: |
• | Show Duplicate Table Rows. It sets the default behavior for Show duplicate rows in the Ad Hoc Editor. Users with ROLE_SUPERUSER can edit the Ad Hoc settings. This setting is applied by default when the Ad Hoc view is created. If a user logs in and changes the default setting of Show duplicate rows in the Ad Hoc Designer > Format Visualization > Appearance, then the server setting gets overridden for a particular Ad Hoc view. |
• | Configure View Query. Determines whether users can see a button in the Ad Hoc Editor to display the SQL or MDX query generated for the view. This can be useful for advanced users, but you should consider your data security before enabling this. System admins can always view queries in the Ad Hoc Cache (see Ad Hoc Cache Management). |
• | Display Null as Zero. Determines the appearance of null values in crosstabs and time-series charts. By default, this setting is disabled and null values are displayed as empty cells in crosstabs or missing points in time series charts (thus causing irregular intervals). When enabled, null values are displayed as zero in crosstabs and in time-series (creating regular intervals). Regardless of this setting, null values are always displayed as zero in all other chart types. |
• | Always show input controls. By default, this option is not enabled. When this option is selected, it displays the Input Controls dialog to prompt the user when the Ad Hoc report runs. Input Controls dialog appears only for the Ad Hoc reports created when the option is selected, while Ad Hoc reports created when the option was disabled, do not get affected. When this option is not selected, the Input Controls dialog still appears for Ad Hoc reports created when this option was enabled. |
• | Default Ad Hoc Visualization Type. Sets the default visualization type when a new Ad Hoc view is created. A superuser can select the default visualization type from the drop-down list. |
• | Query Limits to preserve resources used by queries when Ad Hoc views are designed and run: |
• | Ad Hoc Filter List of Values Row Limit. The maximum number of items that should be displayed in the Condition Editor when a user defines filters for an Ad Hoc view based on a Domain. If this limit is exceeded when users define filters, JasperReports Server displays a message to that effect. Setting this to a lower value can improve performance. |
If the input control has more options than the limit given in this setting, the Equals input control changes into a free input field in the Ad Hoc report. Therefore, the field does not display the options to choose from and the user has to enter the option manually. |
• | Ad Hoc Dataset Row Limit. The maximum number of rows that an Ad Hoc view will request in a query. Be aware that JasperReports Server truncates the data displayed in the report when the limit is reached. Setting this to a lower number may improve performance, but your reports may not reflect the full data set. |
• | Ad Hoc Query Timeout. The number of seconds the server should wait before timing out an Ad Hoc view while running its query. Setting this to a lower number may prevent exceptions when users run Ad Hoc views. Setting this to a higher number may prevent complex calculations from timing out, but may use more database connections. |
• | Data Policies that determine how JasperReports Server handles data loading and processing for certain kinds of Ad Hoc views. See Ad Hoc Data Policies in the next section. |
To configure the Ad Hoc query settings:
1. | Log in as system administrator (superuser by default). |
2. | Select Manage > Server Settings and choose Ad Hoc Settings in the left-panel. |
3. | Set the configuration values as described above. |
4. | Click Change beside each value you modified to make your changes effective. Or click Cancel to reset it to the previously saved value. |
Ad Hoc Data Policies
Data snapshots, described in Data Snapshots and Enabling Data Snapshots, apply only to reports displayed in the report viewer. This section covers data policies that apply only to views in the Ad Hoc Editor. |
Data policies determine how data is cached and where certain calculations occur. All Ad Hoc work is based on a query, either from a Domain or Domain Topic, or from the JRXML of a plain Topic. Data policies determine whether the Ad Hoc engine uses the query as-is and processes the data in memory, or rewrites the query so that the database processes data and returns only what Ad Hoc needs to display.
By default, the data accessed by Domain-based reports is grouped, sorted, and aggregated in the database, rather than processed in memory on the server. This way the server retrieves only the columns that appear in the report rather than the entire set of fields in the Domain. Calculated fields are also processed by the database. For Topic queries based on JDBC (and JNDI) data sources, the default behavior is to request the entire result set and process the columns for display in memory. Note that independent check boxes control the behavior, one check box for Domains and another for JDBC data sources.
When these check boxes are cleared, the server loads the entire set of fields associated with a Domain or Topic into memory, then applies the necessary calculations, grouping, sorting, and aggregation. This is also the case for Ad Hoc views that do not rely on Domains or JDBC data sources; in these cases, the server processes the data in memory.
Generally, we recommend that these settings be enabled, especially when working with large datasets. In deciding whether JasperReports Server should process the data in memory or push that processing to the database, consider these factors:
• | The size and complexity of your reports. Reports with calculated fields, complex sorting, grouping, or aggregation may perform better when the server optimizes the queries so that the database performs the work. |
• | The amount of data in your data sources. If your data sources include a great deal of data, reports against them may perform better when the server optimizes the queries. |
• | The number of users editing and running Ad Hoc views. If you have a large number of users creating and running Ad Hoc views, performance may be better when the server optimizes the queries. Implementations with fewer users may perform better when the options are disabled. |
• | The performance characteristics of your data source. If the database or other data source is tuned for maximum performance, Ad Hoc views may perform better when the server optimizes the queries. |
• | The amount of memory allocated to JasperReports Server's Java Virtual Machine (JVM). If the JVM of the application server hosting JasperReports Server is allocated plenty of memory, Ad Hoc views may perform better when JasperReports Server optimizes the queries. This is especially true if your data source tends to be slow. |
To decide whether JasperReports Server should optimize queries for Ad Hoc views, we recommend disabling the settings, opening and saving some representative reports, and testing their performance. If the performance improves, leave the settings disabled and open and save the remaining reports.
The data polices you can set are:
• | Optimize Queries for JDBC-based Reports. When checked, Ad Hoc rewrites the query to calculate, filter, group, sort, and aggregate columns when using Topics based on JDBC and JNDI data sources. Otherwise, the queries run unaltered and calculated fields, filtering, grouping, sorting, and aggregation take place in memory. |
• | Optimize Queries for Domain-based Reports. When checked, Ad Hoc rewrites the query to calculate filter, group, sort, and aggregate columns when using Domains or Domain Topics. Otherwise, the queries run unaltered and calculated fields, filtering, grouping, sorting, and aggregation take place in memory. |
These data policy settings do not retroactively update the existing reports created from Ad Hoc views in your repository. To change the data policy for an existing report, select the appropriate policy setting, open the corresponding view in the Ad Hoc Editor, and save the report again. |
To configure the Ad data policies:
1. | Log in as system administrator (superuser by default). |
2. | Select Manage > Server Settings and choose Ad Hoc Settings in the left-hand panel. |
3. | Select Optimize Queries for JDBC-based Reports to optimize and rewrite queries for JDBC-based Topics. |
4. | Select Optimize Queries for Domain-based Reports to optimize and rewrite queries for Domain-based reports. |
5. | Click Change beside each value you modified to make your changes effective. Or click Cancel to reset it to the previously saved value. |
Ad Hoc Data Policies for Big Data
When handling large datasets (big data) from a Domain source in the Ad Hoc Editor, fields summarized by distinct count are computationally intensive. The server optimizes the distinct count by requesting distinct count calculations from the data source, as opposed to performing the calculations in memory. Database servers are usually optimized for these calculations, which improves the overall performance of the Ad Hoc Editor.
Ad Hoc for Big Data |
Configuration File |
.../WEB-INF/applicationContext-adhoc-dataStrategy.xml |
Property |
Bean |
Description |
calcMethod |
Distinct |
This property's default value is sqlUnionAll. The UnionAll is the optimized query that provides distinct count computed by the database. If this setting causes issues with your database, you can reset its value to sqlGroupBy. If you make this change, redeploy the web app or restart the application server. |
Performing distinct count aggregates in the database applies only in the following cases:
• | Crosstabs based on Domains contain measures aggregated by distinct count. |
• | Tables based on Domains contain groups aggregated by distinct count, but no detail rows. |
This setting has no effect when there is a row or column group involving a time, timestamp, or date. In this case, Ad Hoc performs the distinct count summary calculations in memory, regardless of the calcMethod setting.
Ad Hoc Templates and Report Generators
Ad Hoc templates are JRXML files in the repository that define the format for reports generated from Ad Hoc views. Report generators are custom beans that create custom output from Ad Hoc views.
In the user interface, users can select either the default template, browse for a different template, or select a report generator, if any are defined. For more information about the report template interface, see the JasperReports Server User Guide. This section explains how to configure these controls.
Changing the Default Ad Hoc Template
The default Ad Hoc template creates a report that resembles the Ad Hoc user interface. It's meant for online viewing and doesn't restrict the size of the contents for printing. To set a different template, modify the following property:
Default Ad Hoc Template |
Configuration File |
.../WEB-INF/applicationContext-adhoc.xml |
Property |
Bean |
Description |
defaultTemplateUri |
util:map id="report |
Specify the repository path of your new default template. Make sure the template has permissions so it's accessible to all users. The default value is /public/templates/actual_size.510.jrxml. |
Modifying the Ad Hoc Template Folders
Ad Hoc templates must be uploaded to specific folders in the repository. The default folders are /templates (in every organization) and /public/templates. To set different folders, modify the following property:
Ad Hoc Template Folders |
Configuration File |
.../WEB-INF/applicationContext-adhoc.xml |
Property |
Bean |
Description |
templateURIParent |
adhocEngine |
Add, change, or remove the values in this list to specify the folders in the repository where the server looks for Ad Hoc templates. |
The default Ad Hoc template locations contain the default template. If you move or delete those folders in the repository, be sure to update the definition of the default Ad Hoc template as described in the previous section.
Also, organization templates include the adhoc/templates folder so it appears in every new organization. You should update all organization templates if you change or remove the /templates value. For more information, see Default Folders for Organizations.
Adding Ad Hoc Report Generators
By default no custom report generators defined on the server, and none appear in the user interface.
To add a custom report generator:
1. | Create a Java class that implements the com.jaspersoft.ji.adhoc.service.AdhocReportGenerator interface. |
2. | Compile the class and place the resulting JAR file in .../WEB-INF/lib. |
3. | Open the file .../WEB-INF/applicationContext-adhoc.xml for editing and register your class as a Spring bean as shown in the following example: |
<bean id="myCustomReportGenerator" class="com.example.myCustomReportGenerator"> <property name="id" value="my-custom-generator"/> <property name="..." value="..."/> ... </bean> |
4. | In the same file, update the reportGeneratorFactory bean to include your custom generator bean: |
<bean id="reportGeneratorFactory" class="com.jaspersoft.ji.adhoc.service.ReportGeneratorFactoryImpl"> <property name="reportGenerators"> <list> <ref bean="myCustomReportGenerator" /> <!--<ref bean="actualSizeReportGenerator" />--> <!--<ref bean="letterPortraitReportGenerator" />--> <!--<ref bean="letterLandscapeReportGenerator" />--> <!--<ref bean="a4PortraitReportGenerator" />--> <!--<ref bean="a4LandscapeReportGenerator" />--> </list> </property> </bean> |
5. | Edit the .../WEB-INF/bundles/ file to add a UI label for your custom generator. The key has the form ADH_REPORT_GENERATOR_<generator-id>. Add the same key to other language bundles if you want to support other languages. |
ADH_REPORT_GENERATOR_my-custom-generator=Corporate Template |
6. | Restart the server or redeploy the JasperReports Server web app. The label for your custom generator appears in the list of report generators when users create and save a report from an Ad Hoc view. |
Ad Hoc Configuration File
The following properties are among those that can be configured in the WEB-INF/applicationContext-adhoc.xml file:
Ad Hoc Cache Management
The Ad Hoc cache applies to Ad Hoc views based on Topics or Domains, and any reports generated from those Ad Hoc views. Ad Hoc views based on OLAP connections use the OLAP cache. For a comparison of the two caches, see Comparison with Jaspersoft OLAP Cache. For instructions on setting the OLAP cache, see the Jaspersoft OLAP User Guide. |
JasperReports Server can temporarily cache Ad Hoc query result sets for re-use. The cache is populated by the data that results from queries when creating or running Ad Hoc views. The datasets are uniquely identified by a key that references the query itself, the data source URI, and parameters used when the query was issued.
Caching reduces database loads and delivers frequently-used datasets to the user quickly. Caching applies when reports are created and when they're run. The cache implementation uses Ehcache, which allows the administrator to view cache entry memory size and set limits on memory use. Configure the Ad Hoc cache to optimize memory use and response time for your use patterns.
Setting the Cache Granularity
By default, datasets for each user are cached separately. A parameter in the cache key identifies the user. This per-user caching can result in duplicate datasets and impaired performance when different users run the same query. You can configure JasperReports Server to share cached datasets across users by editing the .../WEB-INF/applicationContext-datarator.xml file.
The following code configures the cacheKeyInterceptor bean to ignore logged-in users' credentials when creating the cache keys:
<property name="ignoredParameters"> <list> ... <value>LoggedInUser</value> <value>LoggedInUsername</value> </list> </property> |
Restart JasperReports Server after saving the modified file.
Configuring the Cache
Caching improves overall performance of data retrieval and sorting, but unused datasets can consume memory and cached data can become stale. To address these concerns, the cache automatically removes datasets periodically. By default, datasets are removed from the cache if they are not accessed for 30 minutes. They are also cleared after 90 minutes, regardless of how recently they were accessed.
To configure the frequency with which the cache is automatically cleared, edit the following configuration file:
Ad Hoc Cache Expiration |
Configuration File |
.../WEB-INF/adhoc-ehcache.xml |
Property |
Default Value |
Description |
maxBytesLocalHeap |
400M |
The maximum memory use of the entire cache, by default 400 MB. Use K for kilobytes, M for megabytes, and G for gigabytes. If left unbounded, the Ad Hoc cache can use up all available memory in your JVM. Set this value according to your server's available memory, the size of your datasets, and the number of cache entries you expect based on concurrent Ad Hoc use and the time settings below. We recommend setting this value to about half of the maximum heap size you configured for the JVM (-Xmx setting). |
timeToIdleSeconds |
1800 |
The number of seconds to wait after a dataset is has been accessed before removing it from the cache. The default is equivalent to 30 minutes. Use 0 (zero) for no limit. |
timeToLiveSeconds |
5400 |
The maximum time that a dataset is stored in the cache, even if it is being repeatedly accessed. Ensures that stale data is periodically replaced. The default is equivalent to 90 minutes. Use 0 (zero) for no limit. |
Restart JasperReports Server after modifying these values.
Manually Clearing the Cache
Administrators can also use the server interface to view the queries whose datasets are in the cache. Administrators can see the full query but never the contents of the dataset. The Ad Hoc cache page also displays performance data about each query. This information can be helpful when trying to resolve performance issues. The interface displays several values for every query:
• | Age (min:sec) – Time since the dataset was first stored in the cache. |
• | Query (msec) – Time in milliseconds from when query was sent to the data source (database) until the first row was received. |
• | Fetch (msec) – Time in milliseconds from when first row was received from the data source (database) until the last row was received. |
• | Memory used (MB) – Size in megabytes of the resulting dataset being stored in the cache entry. |
The Ad Hoc cache page also allows administrators to manually remove datasets if necessary. Removing a dataset from the cache forces the server to get fresh data the next time a user creates or runs an Ad Hoc view with that query.
To view queries and manually clear the Ad Hoc cache:
1. | In JasperReports Server, log in as system administrator (superuser by default). |
2. | Click Manage > Server Settings and choose Ad Hoc Cache in the left panel. |
The Ad Hoc Cache page appears, displaying all the datasets in the cache, sorted by age.
Each dataset is listed by its corresponding query and data source. Recall that Ad Hoc Topics have user-defined queries, so they tend to be short, whereas the query for Domains are generated from the design of the Domain and user selections in the Data Chooser dialog. The Ad Hoc Cache page displays only the first few lines of a query, as well as the data source.
3. | To remove all datasets, click Clear All at the bottom of the Ad Hoc Cache page. This also clears the Teiid cache used by virtual data sources, including a virtual data source that wraps a data source for big data. |
4. | To remove a specific dataset from the cache, and click Clear beside the corresponding query. |
5. | To find a specific cache entry, you can change the sorting in the upper-left by clicking Age, Last Used Time, Memory Used, or Data Source URI. |
Comparison with Jaspersoft OLAP Cache
The following table contrasts the key features of the Ad Hoc cache in JasperReports Server and Jaspersoft OLAP.
Cache Feature |
JasperReports Server |
Jaspersoft OLAP |
Structure of cache |
Result caches are held at the query level: query text and language, plus data source URI and query parameters. |
Result caches are held at the analysis connection level: schema plus database connection. |
Sharing |
Not by default, but can be enabled as described in Setting the Cache Granularity, above. |
There is only one cache; it is shared across all queries and users. |
Security |
Applied to cache control so that users are not allowed to see privileged data. |
Populating |
Queries populate the cache. You can also schedule reports to pre-populate the cache during off-hours. |
Size |
Limited by available JVM memory (heap). Not configurable. Running out of memory is unusual. It can only happen if a single query returns too many elements for available memory. The report fails with an out-of-memory error. |
Automatic time-based cache policy |
Configurable, as described in Configuring the Cache above. |
In low-memory situations, cached items are removed automatically by JVM garbage collection; the least-recently-used items are cleared first. There is no way to remove data based on how long it has been in memory. |
Clearing selected datasets manually |
Configurable, as described in Manually Clearing the Cache above. |
Cache regions can be defined and cleared programmatically with APIs. |
Clearing all datasets manually |
Configurable, as described in Manually Clearing the Cache above. |
In JasperReports Server, select Manage > Server Settings, then select OLAP Settings and click Flush OLAP Cache. For additional methods, see the Jaspersoft OLAP Ultimate Guide. |
Disabling the Ad Hoc Cache
Disabling either cache is a server-wide setting that applies to all data sources or connections used in any Ad Hoc view. Make sure that other views aren't negatively affected by this change. |
There are two reasons to consider disabling the Ad Hoc cache:
• | You have a high-performance database that returns results so fast that additional caching in the server does not improve response times. In this case, the slight overhead of the cache may actually impact performance. |
• | Your database manages real-time data, and you create Ad Hoc views that present up-to-the-minute information from this data source. In this case, you don't want to retrieve old data out of the cache. |
To disable the Ad Hoc cache for Topics and Domains, set the value of maxBytesLocalHeap to 1 (1 byte). For instructions, see Configuring the Cache. This effectively turns off the cache so that every query is retrieved directly from the data source.
To disable the OLAP cache for OLAP connections used in the Ad Hoc Editor, check the setting on the Manage > Server Settings > OLAP Settings page. For more information, see the Jaspersoft OLAP User Guide.
In addition, if you have modified any of these three properties in applicationContext-adhoc.xml, set them back to false:
<property name="applyQueryFilterInMemory" value="false"/>
<property name="applySecurityFilterInMemory" value="false"/>
<property name="applyDynamicFilterInMemory" value="false"/>
Ad Hoc OLAP Filter Configuration
When using filters in Ad Hoc OLAP, the server queries the database to display a list of values to select from. To avoid performance issues, the number of items in a filter is limited. By default, the limit is 250 possible values.
If your filters reach this limit and your list of values is truncated, you should first consider using a different filter operation. For example, instead of “city is one of <list>,” use “City starts with <letter>.” If you still need to change this limit, modify the following property:
Ad Hoc OLAP Filter Limit |
Configuration File |
.../WEB-INF/applicationContext-adhoc-dataStrategy.xml |
Property |
Bean |
Description |
Set the value to the maximum number of filter values you expect. Setting this value higher than the default of 250 may cause performance issues. |
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