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    In JasperReports Server version 5.5 or greater, a new feature allows administrators to obfuscate passwords that appear in the configuration files. This satisfies security audit requirements and protects the passwords from being observed by unauthorized individuals. Typically, the following are encrypted:

    The password to JasperReports Server's internal database (jasperserver).
    The passwords to the sample databases (foodmart and sugarcrm).
    On Tomcat and tcServer, passwords in JNDI resource definitions.

    You can also change the configuration to encrypt the following:

    The password for the mail server used by the scheduler (quartz.mail.sender.password)
    The password for LDAP external authentication.

    Passwords in configuration files are encrypted during JasperReports Server installation. If the installation deploys to the Tomcat application server, the database password is automatically encrypted in the JNDI configuration as well (in the file context.xml).


    Full password security cannot be guaranteed from within JasperReports Server. A user with sufficient privileges and knowledge of JasperReports Server can gain access to the encryption keys and the configuration passwords. While one could ask for passwords on every server restart, it is impractical for most users. The only practical way to guarantee password security is through backup and restriction of access to the keystore property file.

    Encrypting Configuration Passwords on Tomcat (or Spring tcServer)

    To encrypt passwords in a Tomcat or tcServer installation, modify the installation procedure as follows:

    1. Depending on the database you use, copy the installation configuration file as usual:

    from: <js-install>/buildomatic/sample_conf/<database>_master.properties

    to: <js-install>/buildomatic/default_master.properties

    2. Edit the default_master.properties file:
         Enter values specific to your installation.
         Enter your passwords in plain text.
         Turn on configuration file encryption by uncommenting the encrypt=true property. You do not have to uncomment any of the other encryption properties because they all have the default values shown.
         Except, if you are using Oracle, uncomment propsToEncrypt and set it to dbPassword,sysPassword.
         Optionally, specify additional properties to encrypt as described in Encrypting Additional Properties in default_master.properties.
         Optionally, change the settings for configuration file encryption as described in Encryption Options.
    3. Run the buildomatic installation script (js-install) and all other installation steps according to the JasperReports Server Installation Guide. This will have the following effects:
    a. The plain text passwords in default_master.properties are overwritten with their encrypted equivalents. There is no warning when you run js-install with encrypt=true.
    b. The encrypted passwords are propagated to all configuration files.
    c. The installation proceeds and files are copied to their final locations.
    4. After installation, passwords are encrypted in the following locations:
         In all server configuration files in .../WEB-INF/applicationContext*.xml.
         In JNDI definitions in .../META-INF/context.xml.
         In the default_master.properties files that remains after installation.


    If you have an error such as the following when restarting the server:

    you may need to add the following to your Tomcat service start properties:

    Encrypting Configuration Passwords on Enterprise Servers

    Most enterprise servers, such as JBoss, Glassfish, WebSphere, and WebLogic, have proprietary ways to set up password encryption. You should use these encryption methods. JasperReports Server does not automatically set up encrypted passwords for these servers during deployment. In this case, you can additionally encrypt the passwords in the buildomatic file after deployment:

    1. Deploy JasperReports Server to your enterprise server as specified in the JasperReports Server Installation Guide. The resulting JasperReports Server instance will have unencrypted JNDI data source passwords. If you want to encrypt these passwords, refer to your application server's documentation.
    2. After the server has been successfully configured, encrypt the JasperReports Server configuration files as follows:
    a. In default_master.properties, turn on encryption by uncommenting encrypt=true.
    b. Run the target js-ant refresh-config, which will remove and recreate all the configuration files without deploying them to the application server. Now the buildomatic files will have the database passwords encrypted. You should still be able to execute import/export or other scripts.


    Do not run js-install or js-ant deploy-webapp-pro. These commands will overwrite the war file created in step 1 and render the server data sources inaccessible. If you need to redeploy the WAR file, reset the database password(s) to plain text in your default_master.properties and start again with step 1.

    Encrypting Additional Properties in default_master.properties

    You can encrypt additional properties in the default_master.properties file. To work correctly, these properties need to be decrypted when they are used. Currently, decryption is supported for properties that are loaded into the Spring application context via the propertyConfigurer bean in applicationContext-webapp.xml.


    If a property is defined via JNDI, we recommend pointing there versus encrypting:

    The following code sample shows the propertyConfigurer bean in applicationContext-webapp.xml:

    Because Jaspersoft extended Spring's PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer class as DecryptingPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer, all the loaded properties are scanned for the special marker ENC-<value>-. If that marker is found around the property value, that property is decrypted before being loaded into Spring context.

    To determine if your property is scanned by propertyConfigurer, search the files in propertyConfigurer's locations to see if it is defined in one of these files.

    For example, suppose you want to encrypt the password property of the reportSchedulerMailSender bean in applicationContext-report-scheduling.xml:

    ${report.scheduler.mail.sender.password} tells you that report.scheduler.mail.sender.password is most likely defined via the propertyConfigurer bean. Search through the propertyConfigurer locations to verify. This property is defined in /WEB-INF/js.quartz.properties as follows: report.scheduler.mail.sender.password=${quartz.mail.sender.password}.

    Once you have verified that the quartz.mail.sender.password property can be encrypted using default-master.properties, you set up encryption prior to installation as follows:

    1. Set the desired password for quartz.mail.sender.password in default-master.properties:


    2. Uncomment the encrypt=true property in the same file.
    3. Uncomment propsToEncrypt=dbPassword in default-master.properties.
    4. Add quartz.mail.sender.password to propsToEncrypt:
    5. Configure and install your JasperReports Server war installation as described in the JasperReports Server Installation Guide.
    6. Verify that report.scheduler.mail.sender.password was encrypted in both default-master.properties and in /WEB-INF/js.quartz.properties.

    Password Encryption for External Authentication

    As of JasperReports Server 5.6, it's possible to encrypt the passwords in the external authentication configuration files for LDAP and external database authentication. To do this, we introduced context properties to the sample configuration files instead of simple strings. For example, if you are using LDAP to authenticate, the sample configuration file contains the following:

    The values referenced by the ${...} format are defined in the js.externalAuth.properties file and are imported into Spring context via the propertyConfigurer. For example, the LDAP properties are defined in js.externalAuth.properties as follows:

    The ${...} values can be configured in default_master.properties before installation or upgrade. The following example shows the syntax of the properties in the default_master.properties file:

    To encrypt the password property, you would also set the following:

    external.ldapPassword=XXYYZZencrypt=true propsToEncrypt=dbPassword, external.ldapPassword[/code]                    

    Encryption Options

    In buildomatic installation scripts, the passwords are symmetrically encrypted: the same secret key is used for both encryption and decryption. The key and its containing keystore file are randomly generated on each machine during the first JasperReports Server installation. All the subsequent JasperReports Server installations on the same server rely on the same keystore; they do not regenerate the key.

    The keystore is an encrypted file that is used to securely store secret keys. To access the keystore, JasperReports Server accesses keystore properties. Both the keystore and keystore properties files are created by default in the user home directory. Alternatively, before running js-install, you can specify different locations for the keystore and keystore properties files via the environmental variables ks and ksp, respectively.

    By default, database passwords are encrypted with the AES-128 algorithm in Cipher Block Chaining mode with PKCS5 padding. The AES algorithm is the current industry encryption standard. You can choose to modify the encryption strength by choosing either a different algorithm, a longer secret key size (for example AES-256), or a different encryption mode.

    Edit the following properties in your default_master.properties set these options. If a property is commented out, the default is used:

    Property Description Default
    build.key.algo Algorithm used to encrypt the properties in configuration files. AES

    Size of the encryption key as in AES-128.

    To increase the key size, if it has not been done before, you might have to install "Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files" off the Oracle site for your Java version. To install the files, download US_export_policy.jar and local_policy.jar. AFTER backing up the old files, extract the jars into %JAVA_HOME%/jre/lib/security directory.

    Alternatively, you may download one of the reputable providers such as Bouncy Castle (ships with JasperReports Server). You would need to add the Bouncy Castle provider to to the list in
    %JAVA_HOME%/jre/lib/security/java.security file:

    security.provider.<seq number>=

    128 (bits)
    enc.transformation So-called encryption mode. See the see Java's javax.crypto documentation to understand the modes and padding better. AES/CBC
    enc.block.size The size of the block that is encrypted. Encrypted text can contain many blocks. Usually the block is changed together with the encryption algorithm. 16 (bytes)
    propsToEncrypt A comma separated list of the properties to encrypt. dbPassword


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