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  • This documentation is an older version of JasperReports IO Professional 3.0 User Guide. View the latest documentation.

    As described in REST API Reference - The reports Service , synchronous report execution blocks the client waiting for the response. When managing large reports that may take minutes to complete, or when running a large number of reports simultaneously, synchronous report execution slows down the client or uses many threads, each waiting for a report.

    The rest_v2/reportExecutions service provides asynchronous report execution, so that the client does not need to wait for report output. Instead, the client obtains a request ID and periodically checks the status of the report to know when it is ready (also called polling). When the report is finished, the client can download the output. Alternatively, the client can check when specific pages are finished and download available pages. The client can also send an asynchronous request for other export formats (PDF, Excel, and others) of the same report. Again the client can check the status of the export and download the result when the export has completed.

    Running a Report Asynchronously
    Polling Report Execution
    Requesting Page Status
    Requesting Report Execution Details
    Requesting Report Output
    Requesting Report Bookmarks
    Exporting a Report Asynchronously
    Modifying Report Parameters
    Polling Export Execution
    Stopping Running Reports
    Removing a Report Execution

    Running a Report Asynchronously

    In order to run a report asynchronously, the reportExecutions service provides a method to specify all the parameters needed to launch a report. Report parameters are all sent as a reportExecutionRequest object. The response from the server contains the request ID needed to track the execution until completion.








    A complete ReportExecutionRequest in JSON format. See the example and table below for an explanation of its properties.

    Return Value on Success

    Typical Return Values on Failure

    200 OK – The content contains a ReportExecution descriptor. See below for an example

    404 Not Found – When the report URI specified in the request does not exist.

    The following example shows the structure of the ReportExecutionRequest:

    The following table describes the properties you can specify in the ReportExecutionRequest:


    Required or Default




    Repository path (URI) of the report to run.



    Specifies the desired output format:

    Regular output:

    html, pdf, csv, docx, pptx, xls, xlsx, rtf, odt, ods, xml

    Metadata output:

    data_csv, data_xls, data_json



    When set to true, the report is generated as a single long page. This can be used with HTML output to avoid pagination. When omitted, the ignorePagination property on the JRXML, if any, is used.



    Specify a page range to generate a partial report. The format is:



    Determines whether reportExecution is synchronous or asynchronous. When set to true, the response is sent immediately and the client must poll the report status and later download the result when ready. By default, this property is false and the operation will wait until the report execution is complete, forcing the client to wait as well, but allowing the client to download the report immediately after the response.



    For HTML output, this property specifies the URL path to use for downloading the attachment files (JavaScript and images). The full path of the default value is:


    You can specify a different URL path using the placeholders {contextPath}, {reportExecutionId}, and {exportExecutionId}.



    Specifies the base URL that the report will use to load static resources such as JavaScript files.


    See example

    A list of input control parameters and their values.


    Optional This property specifies the width of the report container. A report specifying this parameter with integer values receives the current screen size width when the report is run.

    When successful, the reply from the server contains the reportExecution descriptor. This descriptor contains the request ID and status needed in order for the client to request the output. There are two statuses, one for the report execution itself, and one for the chosen output format.

    The following descriptor shows that the report was placed in the report execution queue ("status":"queued"):

    The value of the async property in the request determines whether or not the report output is available when the response is received. Your client should implement either synchronous or asynchronous processing of the response depending on the value you set for the async property.

    Polling Report Execution

    When requesting reports asynchronously, use the following method to poll the status of the report execution. The request ID in the URL is the one returned in the reportExecution descriptor.

    This service supports the extended status value that includes an appropriate message.






    Sample Return Value

    accept: application/json

    accept: application/status+json

    Return Value on Success

    Typical Return Values on Failure

    200 OK – The content contains the report status, as shown above. In the extended format, error reports contain error messages suitable for display.

    404 Not Found – When the specified requestID does not exist.

    Requesting Page Status

    When requesting reports asynchronously, you can also poll the status of a specific page during the report execution. The executionId in the URL is the one returned in the reportExecution descriptor. This service returns a response containing reportStatus, pageFinal, and pageTimestamp attributes.






    Sample Response Content

    accept: application/status+json

    Return Value on Success

    Typical Return Values on Failure

    200 OK – The content contains the page status, as shown above.

    404 Not Found – When the request ID specified in the request does not exist.

    Requesting Report Execution Details

    Once the report is ready, your client must determine the names of the files to download by requesting the reportExecution descriptor again. Specify the requestID in the URL as follows:






    accept: application/json

    Return Value on Success

    Typical Return Values on Failure

    200 OK – The content contains a ReportExecution descriptor. See below for an example.

    404 Not Found – When the request ID specified in the request does not exist.

    The reportExecution descriptor now contains the list of exports for the report, including the report output itself and any other file attachments. File attachments such as images and JavaScript occur only with HTML export.

    Requesting Report Output

    After requesting a report execution and waiting synchronously or asynchronously for it to finish, your client is ready to download the report output.

    Every export format of the report has an ID that is used to retrieve it. For example, the HTML export in the previous example has the ID 195a65cb-1762-450a-be2b-1196a02bb625. To download the main report output, specify this export ID in the following method:




    http://<host>:<port>/jrio/rest_v2/reportExecutions/requestID/exports/ exportID/outputResource

    Return Value on Success

    Typical Return Values on Failure

    200 OK – The content is the main output of the report, in the format specified by the contentType property of the outputResource descriptor, for example: text/html

    400 Bad Request – When invalid values are provided for export options in the request body.

    404 Not Found – When the request ID specified in the request does not exist.

    For example, to download the main HTML of the report execution response above, use the following URL:

    GET http://localhost:8080/jrio/rest_v2/reportExecutions/b487a05a-4989-8b53-b2b9-b54752f998c4/exports/195a65cb-1762-450a-be2b-1196a02bb625/outputResource


    JasperReports IO does not support exporting Highcharts charts with background images to PDF, ODT, DOCX, or RTF formats. When exporting or downloading reports with Highcharts that have background images to these formats, the background image is removed from the chart. The data in the chart is not affected.

    To download file attachments for HTML output, use the following method. You must download all attachments to display the HTML content properly. The given URL is the default path, but it can be modified with the attachmentsPrefix property in the reportExecutionRequest, as described in Running a Report Asynchronously.





    Return Value on Success

    Typical Return Values on Failure

    200 OK – The content is the attachment in the format specified in the contentType property of the attachment descriptor, for example:


    404 Not Found – When the request ID specified in the request does not exist.

    For example, to download the one of the images for the HTML report execution response above, use the following URL:

    GET http://localhost:8080/jrio/rest_v2/reportExecutions/912382875_1366638024956_2/exports/html/attachments/img_0_46_0

    Requesting Report Bookmarks

    Some reports have additional meta-information associated with them, such as bookmarks and indexes of report sections or parts. Clients can use this information to create a table of contents for the report with links to the bookmarks and parts that are defined by the report. After running a report, you can request this information using the same request ID.






    Sample Response Content

    accept: application/json

    accept: application/xml

    A structure that contains bookmarks and report parts, as shown below.

    Return Value on Success

    Typical Return Values on Failure

    200 OK – The content contains the report meta-information, as shown below.

    404 Not Found – When the request ID specified in the request does not exist.

    Example of a request URL:


    Exporting a Report Asynchronously

    After running a report and downloading its content in a given format, you can request the same report in other formats. As with exporting report formats through the user interface, the report does not run again because the export process is independent of the report.








    Send an export descriptor in JSON format to specify the format and details of your request. For example:

    {    "outputFormat": "html",    "pages": "10-20",    "attachmentsPrefix": "./images/"}[/code]                    


    accept: application/json

    Return Value on Success

    Typical Return Values on Failure

    200 OK – The content contains an exportExecution descriptor. See below for an example.

    404 Not Found – When the request ID specified in the request does not exist.

    The following example shows the exportExecution descriptor that the server sends in response to the export request:

    Modifying Report Parameters

    You can update the report parameters, also known as input controls, through a separate method before running an existing report execution again. Use the following method to reexecute the report with a different set of parameter values:





    Media-Type Content


    Return Value on Success

    Typical Return Values on Failure

    204 No Content – There is no content to return.

    404 Not Found – When the request ID specified in the request does not exist.

    Polling Export Execution

    As with the execution of the main report, you can also poll the execution of the export process. This service supports the extended status value that includes an appropriate message.






    Sample Return Value

    accept: application/json

    accept: application/status+json

    Return Value on Success

    Typical Return Values on Failure

    200 OK – The content contains the export status, as shown above. In the extended format, error reports contain error messages suitable for display.

    404 Not Found – When the specified request ID does not exist.

    For example, to get the status of the HTML export in the previous example, use the following URL:

    GET http://localhost:8080/jrio/rest_v2/reportExecutions/912382875_1366638024956_2/exports/195a65cb-1762-450a-be2b-1196a02bb625/status

    When the status is "ready" your client can download the new export output and any attachments as described in Requesting Report Output. For example:

    GET http://localhost:8080/jrio/rest_v2/reportExecutions/912382875_1366638024956_2/exports/195a65cb-1762-450a-be2b-1196a02bb625/outputResource

    GET http://localhost:8080/jrio/rest_v2/reportExecutions/912382875_1366638024956_2/exports/195a65cb-1762-450a-be2b-1196a02bb625/images/img_0_46_0

    Stopping Running Reports

    To stop a report that is running and cancel its output, use the PUT method and specify a status of "cancelled" in the body of the request.








    Send a status descriptor in JSON format with the value cancelled. For example:

    JSON: { "value": "cancelled" }


    accept: application/json

    Return Value on Success

    Typical Return Values on Failure

    200 OK – When the report execution was successfully stopped, the server replies with the same status:

    { "value": "cancelled" }

    204 No Content – When the report specified by the request ID is not running, either because it finished running, failed, or was stopped by another process.

    404 Not Found – When the request ID specified in the request does not exist.

    Removing a Report Execution

    Deleting a report that has been executed removes it from the cache and makes its output no longer available. If the report execution is still running, it is stopped automatically then removed.





    Return Value on Success

    Typical Return Values on Failure

    204 No Content – The report execution was successfully removed.

    404 Not Found – When the request ID specified in the request does not exist.

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