This section covers the JasperReports IO For Amazon Web Services (AWS) Hourly offering. You can purchase the product directly on the AWS Marketplace.
You'll need a few things before you can install and run JasperReports IO on Amazon Web Services:
| • | An Amazon Web Services account. |
If you already have an account, log in to AWS.
To create an AWS account, go to the Amazon Web Services sign in page, click Create a new AWS account button, and follow the instructions.
| If you have a personal account stored in your browser, AWS uses that account by default. You need to sign out of Amazon or, preferably, use a different browser to set up an AWS account separate from your personal account. |
| • | The Required Permissions for using our CloudFormation template. |
Required Permissions
Using our CF templates typically requires some admin permissions. AWS permissions required to launch a new JasperReports IO instance include:
| • | CloudFormation create stack and events |
| • | Create and run EC2 instances |
| • | Create EC2 security groups |
| • | Create CloudWatch log (if selected) |
Accepting Terms of Use
You need to accept the terms of use for both the AWS Marketplace and Jaspersoft. This is a single process with multiple steps.
To accept the license agreement:
| 1. | Go to the Jaspersoft listing on the Amazon Marketplace. You can use the link provided here, or use the Marketplace search function to locate the page. |
| 2. | Click the link for the JasperReports IO For AWS product. |
This page shows the total projected charges plus EC2 charges. Simply visiting a page does not place your order.
| 3. | Click Continue to go to the Launch page. |
| 4. | Verify the information on this page and click Accept Terms. |
When your order is processed you'll receive an email confirmation.
Supported Instance Types
The following is a list of the instance types supported for JasperReports IO:
Performance may vary based on system attributes, such as network, bandwidth, memory requirements for a given use case, query requirements, and the like.
For more information about EC2 instance types, see the AWS documentation:
Creating a JasperReports IO Instance from a CloudFormation Template
A stack is a collection of AWS resources you create and delete as a single unit. Our CloudFormation template creates the following resources and bundles them into a usable stack:
| • | EC2 instance with JasperReports IO installed, configured, and using the IAM role for appropriate credentials. |
To create a JasperReports IO instance:
| 1. | Open the Launching Jaspersoft for AWS web page. |
| 2. | Click the Launch Jaspersoft IO for AWS tab. |
| 3. | Click the URL for your region. The Select Template page appears. |
By default, AWS provides a stack template source URL. Do not change this.
| 4. | Click Next. The Specify Details page appears. |
| 5. | In the Stack Name field, give your CloudFormation stack a unique name. |
| 7. | In the KeyName field, enter an existing key pair name. |
| 8. | In the RemoveSamples field, select whether to remove the sample web application and reports from your JasperReports IO instance's repository. |
| 9. | Choose the VpcId from your account. |
| 10. | Choose the SubnetId from the VPC. |
| 11. | Choose whether to create a publicly accessible IP address for the instance using EnablePublicIp. Default is True. Select False to refuse. |
| 12. | In the SecuredIp field, enter the IP address and mask for SSH access. |
| 13. | Choose whether to enable CloudWatch logs for your instance by selecting Yes for CloudWatchIntegration. |
| 14. | In the S3BucketName field, enter the name of the S3 bucket where you want to store your JasperReports IO reports and customizations. The S3 bucket must be in the same region as your JasperReports IO instance. A new S3 bucket will be created if you leave the field empty. |
| If you enter an existing S3 bucket's name incorrectly, you will experience errors when using JasperReports IO because the S3 bucket doesn't exist. See Correcting an Invalid S3 Bucket for instructions on fixing the issue. |
| 15. | Click Next. The Options page appears. |
| 16. | Add any tags you want use to simplify administration of your infrastructure. |
A tag consists of a key/value pair and will flow to resources inside your stack. You can add up to 10 unique keys to each instance, along with an optional value for each key.
| 17. | If you want all operations for the stack limited to a certain role, use the Permissions section to choose the role. |
| 18. | In the Rollback Triggers section, set alarms you want CloudFormation to use to monitor the creation of the stack. If any alarms are triggered, CloudFormation stops of the creation of the stack and rolls it back. |
| 19. | Expand the Advanced section and set your notification, timeout, and other options. |
| 20. | Click Next. The Review page appears. |
Double-check your template, parameter, and option information.
| 21. | Click the acknowledgment check box, then click Create. |
You'll see your Stack Name listed in a table. While it's being created the Status column will display CREATE_IN_PROGRESS
. After a few minutes the status should change to CREATE_COMPLETE
. If the status changes to ROLLBACK
, you may need to accept the Terms of Use. Check the Events tab for more information.
| 22. | Select your complete instance and click the Outputs tab. Here you'll find the name of the S3 bucket for your repository, the link for the CloudWatch log, and the Getting Started URL for logging into the JasperReports IO web application if you enabled a publicly accessible IP address. |
Creating a Repository Folder in Your S3 Bucket
When setting up your JasperReports IO instance, you will need to create a repository folder in your S3 bucket to store the resources to create and run your reports.
To create a repository folder:
| 1. | On the AWS Management Console home page, click S3. |
| 2. | Click the name of the bucket for your instance or cluster. |
| 4. | Enter remoteRepository for the name of the folder. |
| 5. | Select None (Use bucket settings) for the encryption setting. |
AWS creates the new remoteRepository folder.
You can create the repository directories for your report resources in the new remoteRepository folder and upload your files. See Managing JasperReports IO for more information on the repository directory structure.
Correcting an Invalid S3 Bucket
If you enter the incorrect name for an existing S3 bucket when creating your instance, you will need to update the settings for the instance and associated IAM role to point them to the correct S3 bucket.
To correct the S3 bucket:
| 1. | On the AWS Management Console home page, click EC2. |
| 2. | Click Instances in the sidebar. |
| 3. | Click on the instance with the invalid S3 bucket in the table. |
| 4. | Click Actions > Instance State > Stop to stop the instance. |
| 5. | Click Actions > Instance Settings > View/Change User Data. |
| 6. | Locate the s3.repository.bucket and replace the invalid S3 bucket name with the correct one. |
| 8. | Return to the AWS Management Console home page and click IAM. |
| 9. | Click Roles in the sidebar. |
| 10. | Click the name of the IAM role created for your JasperReports IO instance in the table. |
| 11. | On the Permissions tab, expand the policy and click S3 under Service. |
The tab displays a list of S3 actions.
| 14. | Locate Resource and replace the invalid S3 bucket name with the correct one. For example: |
{ "Statement": [ { "Action": [ "s3:Get*", "s3:List*" ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws:s3:::jrio-jrios3bucket-12", "arn:aws:s3:::jrio-jrios3bucket-12/*" ], "Effect": "Allow" } ]}[/code] |
AWS displays the S3 service you are updating. You can click S3 to review the service before committing your changes.
AWS updates the IAM role with the S3 bucket changes.
| 17. | Return to the AWS Management Console home page and click IAM. |
| 18. | Restart your instance. |
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