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  • Upload to JasperReports Server causes an error 1 - 0

    • Product: JasperReports® Server


    When trying to upload a report from iReport Designer to JasperReports Server repository "error: 1 - 0" is thrown and report is not uploaded.


    The issue comes from JasperReports Server side. The simplest workaround to try is to add a directory named "attachments" to WEB-INF on the JasperServer side. When installing using bundled install, this folder exists automatically. However the WAR is missing this folder.

    If, after adding the folder, you have further issues, follow the steps below: - make sure the current OS user has permissions to write to this folder you added - open /jasperserver-pro/WEB-INF/server-config.wsdd and check if the following property is added and un-commented:


    As an alternative you can designate a different directory for attachments

    Ref. Case #00025053 -- 15:35, 5 July 2012 (UTC)


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