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  • Upgrading AWS Instance Manually using Overlay Installer

    Steve Park
    • Features: JasperReports Server Version: v6.0 Product: JasperReports® Server

    IMPORTANT:  This is not the supported upgrade path. The supported upgrade path is to export the JRS repository as superuser, start a new AWS instance of the desired version, then re-import the repository as superuser.

    To upgrade JasperReports Server on an AWS instance using the overlay installer, do the following:

    1. If you haven't already done so, follow these instructions to export your license key to a format that can be used with a secure FTP/SCP client:


    2. Using a secure FTP/SCP client like FileZilla, connect to your instance using the instance's public IP address and ec2-user credentials:


    3. Upload the overlay installer zip archive to the root directory of the AWS instance using the secure FTP/SCP client.

    4. Connect to the instance using an SSH client like PuTTY:


    5. Unzip the overlay installer using the following command:

      unzip jasperreports-server-x.x.x-overlay.zip
    6. Change to the buildomatic folder under the newly created overlay folder, copy the sample_conf/postgresql_master.properties and rename it to default_master.properties:

      cd overlay/buildomatic
      cp sample_conf/postgresql_master.properties default_master.properties
    7. Edit the default_master.properties file using vi and make the following changes:

      Line 42:      appServerDir = /var/lib/tomcat7
      Line 45:      CATALINA_HOME = /usr/share/tomcat7
      Line 46:      CATALINA_BASE = /var/lib/tomcat7
    8. Shut down the Apache Tomcat service:

      sudo service tomcat7 stop
    9. Change to the parent overlay folder and back up the jasperserver PostgreSQL database::

      cd ..
      pg_dump -U postgres -W jasperserver > jasperserver.dmp
      (at the password prompt, type postgres)
    10. Run the overlay install script:

      sudo ./overlay install

      (at the prompts, do the following:

      • Accept the default overlayWorkspace folder location

      • Type y when asked if you backed up your jasperserver database

      • Type y when asked if you shut down your Tomcat server instance

      • At the prompt asking for the location of your master.properties file, type

      • Accept the default location for the deployed application folder

      • Applying customizations is beyond the scope of this article, so unless you have customizations, type y when prompted)

    11. Make the following file system permission changes:

      sudo chown -R tomcat:tomcat /var/log/tomcat7
      sudo chown -R tomcat:tomcat /tmp/adhocCache
      sudo chown -R tomcat:tomcat /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps
    12. Start the tomcat service:

      sudo service tomcat7 start

    RESULT: You should now see the new JasperReports Server home screen when you navigate to the login screen in your browser

    OPTIONAL: Take a snapshot of the volume associated with your AWS instance by doing the following:

    • Log into the AWS console

    • Navigate to the Instances page

    • Look up the Instance ID


    • Browse to the Volumes page and search for the volume based on the instance ID

    • Select the volume associated with the instance ID, click the Actions button and select Create Snapshot:


    • Provide a name and description of your snapshot, then click the Take Snapshot button.  Click the Close button when finished.

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