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  • Topics not showing in the 'Add New Report' - topics

    Friendly User
    • Features: Ad Hoc, Repository Product: JasperReports® Server

    This article describes how to change your default topic folder.

    Issue Description:

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    I've created a topic following these steps:
    1. Add new report
    2. Select the event manager domain in the event manager folder.
    3. Selected the 'events' which are now under 'Selected fields'.
    4. Click on 'save as topic' and put it in the myfolder/manager-topics/ folder.
    5. I then clicked table, added a few fields, and then saved.

    I can see the topic in the folder of type 'Domain Topic'. It's not showing up when I want to create 'Add new Report' and select topics. I've done it even as superuser in case it was a permissions issue.

    What makes a topic appear in this list?


    for topics to be considered topics they should be put into Adhoc Components/topics folder of the repository. In all other location they'll be considered ordinary reports (since they are a simple JRXML).

    The folder where topics are to be stored to be considered as topics is defined as a search pattern. By default everything with the path %/adhoc/topics will be used. If you want to modify this you need to change these configurations:

    file: applicationContext-adhoc.xml
    bean: adhocEngineService
    properties: realmsURI, realmsURIParentSQLPatternList

    If they should be allowed to save their domain topics in the home folder then you'd need to extend

    file: applicationContext-semanticLayer.xml
    bean: slConfig
    properties: saveTopicURIPatternList

    Ref. Case #00028126

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