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  • Tom C
    • Features: Repository Product: JasperReports® Server

    The JasperReports Server repository resource permission is set in jiobjectpermission table.

    1. jiobjectpermission.uri refers to the repository folder location. "repo:/" is the repository root
    2. jiobjectpermission.recipientobjectclass indicates from which class the permission is set - Through Role or User
    3. jiobjectpermission.recipientobjectid links to the permission class records. for Role permission setting, it is the jirole.id; for User permission setting, it is the jiuser.id.
    4. jiobjectpermission.permissionMask uses the following security mask to set the resource access:
    0no access
    2read only
    18read + delete
    30read + write + delete
    32execute only

    By default permission for a resource is "no access" (no entry in the jiobjectpermission table for that resource). Unless the permission is set at a resource node, the access permission is inherited from the cascading parent node above a current resource node. The overriding "no access" permission mask is 0.

    User can run the following sample query to see how this works.

    SELECT jiobjectpermission.uri, jirole.rolename, '' AS username, jiobjectpermission.permissionMask FROM jiobjectpermission
    INNER JOIN jirole ON jirole.id = jiobjectpermission.recipientobjectid
    WHERE jiobjectpermission.recipientobjectclass LIKE '%RepoRole'
    SELECT jiobjectpermission.uri, '' AS rolename, jiuser.username, jiobjectpermission.permissionMask FROM jiobjectpermission
    INNER JOIN jiuser ON jiuser.id = jiobjectpermission.recipientobjectid
    WHERE jiobjectpermission.recipientobjectclass LIKE '%RepoUser'
    ORDER BY 1, 2, 3


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