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  • PDF Output Digital Signing Is NOT Implemented With JasperReports

    Tom C
    • Features: Exporters Version: v5.6 Product: JasperReports® Library

    The report design tools, Jaspersoft Studio and iReport Designer, rely on the JasperReports engine Java library to create report objects that JasperReports then uses a third party product to render the reports final output into a specific format such as PDF, Excel, and Doc, etc. JasperReports itself does not provide a direct way to sign digital certificates in the PDF report output file nor implements such a feature from iText which is the library used by JasperReports to generate a PDF file.

    Users will need to make a customization of the JasperReports Library and extend the iText PDF exporter to sign their PDF exports. To help code such a customized PDF exporter, users will need to read iText documention for reference. The following web resources may help with this effort:


    One thing worth mentioning, based on users' feedback, is to make sure to include bcprov-jdk14-138.jar in the deployment classpath to make it work.


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