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  • JasperReports Server v5.1.0 Overlay Upgrade - From a Bundled v4.1.0 Win 64 Installation

    Tom C
    • Version: v5.1, v4.1 Product: JasperReports® Server

    The Bundled JasperReports Server-Pro v4.1.0 Win 64 Installation deploys Tomcat and MySQL by default.

    1. Unzip overlay package and extract jasperreports-server-5.1.0-overlay-upgrade to C: root

    2. Copy mysql-connector-java-5.1.12-bin.jar


      If using a non-MySQL repository in your previous bundled installation, users can skip step 2 of the process.

    3. Modify default_master.properties at C:Program Filesjasperreports-server-4.1buildomatic

      # application server type# appServerType = tomcat6 .......... appServerType = skipAppServerCheck .......... # Tomcat app server root dir appServerDir=C:Program Filesjasperreports-server-4.1/apache-tomcat[/code]
      # application server type appServerType = tomcat6 .......... # appServerType = skipAppServerCheck .......... # Tomcat app server root dir appServerDir=C:\Program Files\jasperreports-server-4.1\apache-tomcat[/code]

      Make sure to comment out "appServerType = skipAppServerCheck" and use double slashes "\" in Tomcat app server root dir. For overlaying bundled JasperReports Server installation, please refer to Appendix B (below) for additional changes to this file.

    4. Stop Tomcat

    5. Make sure MySQL repository DB is running

    6. Using command line, run following script from C:jasperreports-server-5.1.0-overlay-upgrade

      overlay install

    7. The overaly process starts

    8. When prompted, choose to use default work folder

    9. backup db - y

    10. stop tomcat - y

    11. When prompted, enter master.properties path

      C:Program Filesjasperreports-server-4.1buildomaticdefault_master.properties

    12. When prompted, enter path to jasperserver-pro

      C:Program Filesjasperreports-server-4.1apache-tomcatwebappsjasperserver-pro

    13. checked customization - y


    15. Clean up tomcat work and temp directory

    16. Start Tomcat

    17. Clear browser cache

    18. Login to JasperReports Sever Web UI and test 5.1

    Appendix A:

    For other versions of JasperReports Server, users can replace the reference root "C:Program Filesjasperreports-server-4.1" with whatever root where JasperReports Server is deployed to carry out the overlay process.

    Appendix B:

    If overlaying a previous bundled installation, users need to do additional modification to default_master.properties file aforementioned in step 3 as the following.

    1. Locate jasperserver resource entry in context.xml file under your deployed jasperserver-proMETA-INF directory. For example:

      <resource auth="Container"          driverclassname="org.postgresql.Driver"          maxactive="100"          maxidle="30"          maxwait="10000"          name="jdbc/jasperserver"          password="password"          testonborrow="true"          type="javax.sql.DataSource"          url="jdbc:postgresql://"          username="jasperdb"          validationquery="SELECT 1" />[/code]
    2. Change dbUsername and dbPassword in default_master.properties file to match the entry in context.xml file (above). For example,

      # database type dbType=postgresql# database location and connection settings dbHost= dbUsername=postgres dbPassword=Postgres[/code]
      # database type dbType=postgresql # database location and connection settings dbHost= dbUsername=jasperdb dbPassword=password[/code]

    Appendix C:

    If you get through the installation and run into the following exception when starting the server:

    Caused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: permission denied for relation jiawsdatasource[/code]

    You need to log into the JasperReports Server Postgres repository database as the postgres user, and update the privileges on the jiawsdatasource table, using the following commands:

    grant all on jiawsdatasource to postgres;grant all on jiawsdatasource to jasperdb;[/code]


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