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  • How to use JSON as a Remote Data Source (version 5.6.1)

    • Features: Data Sources, Reports Version: v5.6.1

    JSON as the Remote Data Source

    I would like to share with the community 2 samples of the reports that utilize JSON as the Remote Data Source.

    Test report 1:

    Remote JSON data source with Data Adapter approach:

    • Two properties should be defined in the report.

      <property name="com.jaspersoft.studio.data.defaultdataadapter" value="JSON_TEST_DA"/>
      <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.data.adapter" value="JSON_TEST_DA.xml"/>
    • Corresponding data adapter should be present in JasperReports Server.

    I have attached the exported copy of this sample to the article: case_57317.zip

    If you import it to JasperReports Server it should be unpacked to the directory


    Video related to this approach: http://screencast.com/t/X9rFntBGOg


    Test report 2:

    Please find in the attachment to the article the exported sample of the report that illustrates this approach (Remote_JSON_export.zip)

    To test this resource you should:

    • Import it to JasperReports Server.

    • Execute a sample of the report, /public/Remote_JSON that uses remote JSON data source.

    Regarding the configuration that is used to achieve this:

    • Do not link a data source

    feature is set for this report in JasperReports Server

    • In the jrxml report is defined the property that points to the remote JSON data source




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    Thanks for the tut.

    Could it be possible to change to YouTube or other for seeing/showing the video.

    The source http://screencast.com/t/X9rFntBGOg demands FlashPlayer installed. But FlashPlayer again is seen as chronically insecure.

    Flash does not run in Chrome on Android, iOS, or Mac OS. Source: https://www.pcrisk.com/internet-threat-news/10500-flash-security-risk

    Would it be possible to move the video(s) to something like YouTube?

    Many thanks.

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