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  • Fusion Charts: Mid air graphs

    • Features: Charts


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    Charts pro contain a feature which allows user to click on the legend and deselect certain categories. This could be a really nice feature that makes these charts far more interactive. The drawback of this feature is that the chart is not re-drawn after deselecting a category, so what happens is the remaining categories end up suspended in mid air.


    Ideally it would be a great improvement to have the the chart re-drawn to avoid categories stuck in mid-air. But that's how Fusion graphics works. You can see the same behaviour on the Fusion chart gallery:


    There is nothing we can do with this limitation. What you can do is disable this functionality. To do this set the following property for the charts in jrxml:

    <fc:chart ... >

        <fc:chartProperty name="interactiveLegend">





    In iReport this can be done by doing the following: right-click on the chart->Edit Chart Properties->Show Advanced Options->Add a property named 'interactiveLegend' and set the value to 'false' (all without quotes).

    Ref. Case #00022591 -- 10:40, 13 March 2012 (UTC)


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