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  • Creating a Domain

    • Features: Domains Version: v4.0 Product: JasperReports® Server

    This functionality is no longer applicable to our latest version. Please refer to the "JasperReports® Server Data Management Using Domains" Guide for similar functionality on version 8.x


    1. On the Home page, click Create > Domain. You will be sent to the Add New Domain page:


      Here, you will set property values for the domain.

      Required Information

      A Name and Resource ID are required. When you enter a Name, the system will construct a Resource ID from it, which you can modify, if you care to.

      Enter a Description, if you care to.

      Choose where you would like to save this domain in the repository in the Save Location field You can use the Browse feature to do so.
    2. Data Source

      Click on Browse and select your data source in the Repository. For this guide, choose Foodmart Data Source , a provided sample data source in JasperReports Server. Click on OK.

    3. Domain Designer

      Click on Create with Domain Designer to create your domain design based on your data source.  If the link is not active, it means that you haven't chosen a Data Source as in the above step.


      Note: if you already have a domain design xml file, you can upload it.

    4. Tables

      Drag tables employee and store from the left panel and drop them on the right panel Selected Tables.

    5. Click on Joins tab.
    6. Joins

      On the Left table frame, select the store_id column of the employee table.

    7. On the Right table frame, select the store_id column of the store table.
    8. On the upper right corner, click on Join Inner icon to create your inner join between employee and store tables.

    9. Click on Display tab.
    10. Display

      On the top, click on Add New Set icon. Select the new set and on your right, in Set Properties frame, fill out the following informations:

      Description (optional)put a short description

      Note: be carefull with ID property, this will be used in Domain Security File.

    11. Repeat the previous step for store set:

      Description (optional)put a short description

      Note: be carefull with ID property, this will be used in Domain Security File.

    12. On your left, in Join tree frame, drag the following columns and drop them into employee set:

      first_name, last_name, gender, marital_status, hire_date, position_title, salary.

    13. On your left, in Join tree frame, drag the following columns and drop them into store set:

      store_name, store_number, store_city, store_country.


    14. Click on Done to create your Domain Designer file.

    15. Save your domain

      Click on Save to finish your domain creation.




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