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CreateProcess error=206

Go to solution Solved by mrcaffeine,

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When I try to install JasperServer 5.0.1 WAR Archive, into Oracle 11.1.0 and JBOSS 5.1.0, I recieve the following error:


C:UsersbsmithDesktopProjectsJasperReports Serverjasperreports-server-5.0.1
-binbuildomaticbindb-common.xml:871: The following error occurred while execu
ting this line:
C:UsersbsmithDesktopProjectsJasperReports Serverjasperreports-server-5.0.1
-binbuildomaticbinimport-export.xml:264: The following error occurred while e
xecuting this line:
C:UsersbsmithDesktopProjectsJasperReports Serverjasperreports-server-5.0.1
-binbuildomaticbinimport-export.xml:158: java.io.IOException: Cannot run prog
ram "C:Program FilesJavajdk1.6.0_30jrebinjava.exe": CreateProcess error=20
6, The filename or extension is too long
Any idea on to fix this?
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Windows has a path length limitation of 260 characters (see here for details). Instead of installing JRS from C:UsersbsmithDesktopProjectsJasperReports Serverjasperreports-server-5.0.1-bin try to install it from C:Usersbsmithjasperreports-server-5.0.1-bin or C:jasperreports-server-5.0.1-bin.

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I'd like to explain the origin of the problem in more depth. The workaround, which is to install JR Server in a directory with a shorter path, is still valid.

I also thought that the 260 character limit was the culprit; however, this is confusing because in later versions of Windows, including Windows 10, this restriction has been lifted. Also, this can happen when none of the paths exceed 260 characters.

It turns out that there is still a limit of 32,768 bytes on the size of the entire command line. This seems like a lot, but during the installation, an import process is started which includes a list of all the JARs in the directory <JRS_INSTALL>/buildomatic/conf_source/iePro/lib.

In JRS 6.4, the count of JARs is approximately 304, so it's pretty easy to go over this limit. Previous versions of JRS had fewer JARs, so it was possible to have a longer path without hitting this error.

The easiest workaround is still to install JRS on a shorter path; an issue has been filed to lift this limitation in a future version of JRS.

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