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net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: No input source supplied to the exporter


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Much frustration with Jasper Reports (4.5) with some very simple reports and deployment:

1. The above mentioned error is coming from two sources:

      a. Missing images that have relative paths

      b. Fonts that are missing on the deployment server


Lets deal with fonts first.  Seems like this is common problem post 3.6.1 but the suggestions for fixing the issue haven't been helpful.  Here is a response that *seemed* helpful but was lacking.  It has to do with disabling the font checking:
"You can do this by setting the net.sf.jasperreports.awt.ignore.missing.font=true in the jasperreports.properties file or as a custom property in that particular report template."  Sounds wonderful except the author goes into no detail on HOW to accomplish this.  Taking the first approach:
net.sf.jasperreports.awt.ignore.missing.font=true in the jasperreports.properties file

WHERE exactly does the jasperreports.properties file go?  I am running these reports from a command interface and I placed the properties file in the /lib folder but it had no effect.  This isn't a web app so where do I put the properties file if not in the /lib folder?

So how about taking the second approach:

"a custom property in that particular report template".  Awesome!  But just WHERE is such a custom property set? I went to the tools-->options-ireport settings and changed the jasperreport properties there (which didn't seem right) and changed the settings. No difference.  I also went to the report, selected properties and then added a Property to the ones listed in "Properties" but that made no difference either.

Continuing on to solve the font issue, I also jarred up the files in the demo font folder for DejaVuSans and added that jar to my classpath and then set the values in the jasperreports_extension.properties file which I also put in the lib folder.  It made no difference.  I still see the error "Could not create the report stream Font 'DejaVu Sans' is not available to the JVM".

Sigh.  My earlier projects using Jasper reports had none of these issues.  The price of progress I guess.

Finally, back to the images issues.  Is the only way to make images that are referenced in the report appear to use a full path to the image.  I saw a post about 4 ways to handle "relative" references but they all seem a lot more work and a hassle for multiple reports created by end users.

I know there are solutions to these issues but reponses that lack detail are not helpful.  Filling in the blanks would be helpful and get me moving forward again.

Thanks in advance,



Post Edited by phelgren at 02/24/2012 23:22
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