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OOTB Jasperreports 2.0 query issue on Jaspersoft Studio Profession 3.0


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 I'm new to JasperReports development, so I'm trying to learn through OOTB reports that is packaged within Jasperreports Server 6.2. I was able to configure the adapter in Jaspersoft Studio 6.3 to communicate with Jasperreports server 6.2. I ran an OOTB report which seems to get some results and when tried to valiate the query in dataset and query window, it failed with the below error. Please suggest a solution on how I could get rid of this error to succesfully validate the query.

See below for the error output: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException:

Error preparing statement for executing the report query: SELECT cr.group_name, cr.ref_num, cr.open_date, cr.priority_symbol, cr.status_symbol, cr.request_area_symbol, cr.active, cr.web_url, (PdmToday() - cr.open_date)/(7*24*3600), (PdmToday() - cr.open_date)/(24*3600), (PdmToday() - cr.open_date)/3600, (case when ((PdmToday() - cr.open_date)/(7*24*3600)) <2 then '1' when ((PdmToday() - cr.open_date)/(7*24*3600)) >=2 AND ((PdmToday() - cr.open_date)/(7*24*3600)) <3 then '2' when ((PdmToday() - cr.open_date)/(7*24*3600)) >=3 AND ((PdmToday() - cr.open_date)/(7*24*3600)) <4 then '3' when ((PdmToday() - cr.open_date)/(7*24*3600)) >=4 AND ((PdmToday() - cr.open_date)/(7*24*3600)) <5 then '4' when ((PdmToday() - cr.open_date)/(7*24*3600)) >=5 AND ((PdmToday() - cr.open_date)/(7*24*3600)) <8 then '5' when ((PdmToday() - cr.open_date)/(7*24*3600)) >=8 then '6' ELSE '' end ) as WeeksOpened, case when ((PdmToday() - cr.open_date)/(7*24*3600)) < 2 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS "1Week", case when ((PdmToday() - cr.open_date)/(7*24*3600)) >= 2 AND ((PdmToday() - cr.open_date)/(7*24*3600)) < 3 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS "2Weeks", case when ((PdmToday() - cr.open_date)/(7*24*3600)) >= 3 AND ((PdmToday() - cr.open_date)/(7*24*3600)) < 4 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS "3Weeks", case when ((PdmToday() - cr.open_date)/(7*24*3600)) >= 4 AND ((PdmToday() - cr.open_date)/(7*24*3600)) < 5 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS "4Weeks", case when ((PdmToday() - cr.open_date)/(7*24*3600)) >= 5 AND ((PdmToday() - cr.open_date)/(7*24*3600)) < 8 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS "30-60Days", case when ((PdmToday() - cr.open_date)/(7*24*3600)) >= 8 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS "Over60Days" FROM cr WHERE cr.active=1 AND cr.group_name IS NOT NULL AND cr.type = 'R' AND (cr.group_name in or '*' in ) ORDER BY cr.priority_symbol ASC, cr.open_date ASC, cr.group_name ASC at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.query.JRJdbcQueryExecuter.createStatement(JRJdbcQueryExecuter.java:528) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.query.JRJdbcQueryExecuter.createDatasource(JRJdbcQueryExecuter.java:297) at com.jaspersoft.studio.data.jdbc.JDBCFieldsProvider.getFields(JDBCFieldsProvider.java:79) at com.jaspersoft.studio.data.jdbc.JDBCDataAdapterDescriptor.getFields(JDBCDataAdapterDescriptor.java:75) at com.jaspersoft.studio.property.dataset.dialog.DataQueryAdapters.doGetFields(DataQueryAdapters.java:396) at com.jaspersoft.studio.data.designer.AQueryDesignerContainer$1.run(AQueryDesignerContainer.java:53) at org.eclipse.jface.operation.ModalContext$ModalContextThread.run(ModalContext.java:119) Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: [DataDirect][OpenAccess SDK JDBC Driver][OpenAccess SDK SQL Engine]syntax error, unexpected OR, expecting '(' at group_name ... or at com.ddtek.openaccess.ssp.Diagnostic.toSQLException(Unknown Source) at com.ddtek.openaccess.ssp.Chain.cnvDiagnostics(Unknown Source) at com.ddtek.openaccess.ssp.Chain.decodeDiagnostic(Unknown Source) at com.ddtek.openaccess.ssp.Chain.decodeBody(Unknown Source) at com.ddtek.openaccess.ssp.Chain.decode(Unknown Source) at com.ddtek.openaccess.ssp.Chain.send(Unknown Source) at com.ddtek.openaccess.ctxt.stmt.StatementContext.associate(Unknown Source) at com.ddtek.jdbc.openaccess.OpenAccessImplStatement.prepare(Unknown Source) at com.ddtek.jdbc.oabase.BaseImplStatement.prepare(Unknown Source) at com.ddtek.jdbc.oabase.BasePreparedStatement.prepareSQL(Unknown Source) at com.ddtek.jdbc.oabase.BaseStatement.preProcessSQL(Unknown Source) at com.ddtek.jdbc.oabase.BasePreparedStatement.(Unknown Source) at com.ddtek.jdbc.oabase.BaseConnection.prepareStatement(Unknown Source) at (message continues in next comment)


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